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COMN 2500: Data Silhouette Assignment 2022


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COMN 2500: Data Silhouette Assignment (Alternate)



Part 1: Create a Data Silhouette

1.1) Count a minimum of 20 data points from your digital life. It is recommended that you collect these data points in one day, or at most across two days. Collection should take the form of written or digital notes about each data point. Examples might include:

a) Texts you send in a day;

b) Emails you send in a day;

c) Online posts or tweets you make in a day;

d) Wireless networks you connect to in a day;

e) Photos or videos you take in a day;

f) Posts you like or share in a day;

g) Online videos you watch in a day;

h) Podcasts you listen to in a day;

i) Video games you play in a day; or

j) Something else!

1.2) Visualize the data you counted. Be creative! Use colour! Visualize not only the number of data points, but differentiate between the data points. For example: long texts versus short texts, emails to friends versus emails to family, or videos you like versus videos you do not like. Think of an interesting way to present your data. You can depict yourself in the visualization in relation to the data, or just present the data itself.

1.3) Review the Powerpoint slides for some examples. You can also visit these sites for some ideas:

· http://www.dear-data.com/theproject

· http://www.dear-data.com/by-week/

· http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/dear-data-and-fivethirtyeight-want-you-to-visualize-your-podcast-habits/

· https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=182&v=iqaVe1MCTlA

1.4) How to submit your data silhouette. Your data silhouette should include two pages:

Page 1: A key that helps the reader interpret your visualization. For example, what does each colour represent? What do the shapes represent? See the Powerpoint slides for examples.

Page 2: The data visualization. See the Powerpoint slides for examples.

If you created the silhouette by hand, please scan or take a photo of each page. If the silhouette is digital, make sure it fits on two pages. Please make sure these two pages are the first pages of your assignment submission.

Part 2: Reflection and Analysis

2.1) Please write 1,250 words (not including references) as you answer the following questions:

a) What does your data silhouette say about you?

b) What does your data silhouette say about the amount and/or type of data we produce?

c) Discuss how your data silhouette reveals how easy/difficult it is to access and even control personal data. Feel free to address privacy, reputation and/or security concerns.

2.2) Please answer the questions above, questions b) and c) in particular, by referring to academic journal articles or books only. Please do not cite websites, unless they are digital versions of academic articles or books. Please provide in-text citations and a reference list in APA style. The word limit does not include references.

2.3) Recommendations:

· Here are two academic sources to consider:

Solove (2012). Privacy self-management and the consent dilemma. Harvard Law Review.

Obar (2015). Big Data and The Phantom Public: Walter Lippmann and the fallacy of data privacy self-management. Big Data & Society. 

2.4) Papers are to be uploaded to the appropriate location on eClass via Turnitin. If you have any privacy concerns about Turnitin, please speak with the instructor.

Grading Rubric

Grade: A

Grade: B

Grade: C

Grade: D or less


Clear and detailed answers. Writing has strong flow and is insightful, convincing, interesting, and well-sourced.

Somewhat developed answers, average flow, some insights, somewhat interesting, average number of sources.

Weak answers, weak flow, few insights, lacking sources.

Lacking clear answers.


Clear, no major sp/gr/APA mistakes, clean presentation, and strong use of language.


Some sp/gr/APA errors, sloppy presentation, language issues.

Some sp/gr/APA errors, sloppy presentation, language issues, lack of clarity.

Various errors.

As always, if you have any questions about this assignment, please do not hesitate to ask.