关键词 > Math154 Math109 Math31CH

Discrete Math and Graph Theory


WELCOME to Math 154, Discrete Math and Graph Theory. The prerequisites for this course are Math 109 or Math 31CH. This is intended as a first course in graph theory. The topics covered include paths, trees and cycles, connectivity in graphs, matching theory and algorithms, graph coloring, planar graphs, flows and cuts in directed graphs, and algorithms. This is the link to this canvas home page:

canvas home page

INSTRUCTOR | Professor Jacques Verstraete [email protected]

COURSE NOTES | There is no required book for this course. Notes are downloaded using the following link:

course notes

LECTURES | No in-person classes. All lectures are via zoom MWF 2.00-2.50p.

The join link for class is:

join link for classes (Links to an external site.)

Each lecture is recorded as it is given and posted under "Media Gallery" on canvas and lecture slides are posted as pdf files under Pages > Lectures.

SECTIONS | Discussion sections are via zoom, links as below. Attending sections is important.

TA Jiaxi Nie [email protected] A01 Tuesday 4:00p-4:50p https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/93382914282 (Links to an external site.)

TA Jiaxi Nie [email protected] A02 Tuesday 5:00p-5:50p https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/91034357926 (Links to an external site.)

TA Jinjie Zhang [email protected] A03 Tuesday 6:00p-6:50p https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/97696557009 (Links to an external site.)

TA Qingyuan Chen [email protected] A04 Tuesday 7:00p-7:50p https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/91344714725 (Links to an external site.)

OFFICE HOURS | Office hours are via zoom, links as below:

•   Jacques Verstraete MWF 2.50p-4p https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/99175121193 (Links to an external site.)

•   Jiaxi Nie Tue 9a-1p https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/99643433158 (Links to an external site.) Tue 1p-3p https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/98024144184 (Links to an external site.)

•   Jinjie Zhang Fridays 5p-7p https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/99266043501 (Links to an external site.)

•   Qingyuan Chen Thursdays 6p-8p https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/97108359812 (Links to an external site.)

•   Instructor office hours also by appointment: please email the instructor directly.

EXAMS AND GRADES | All exams are submitted via gradescope.Exams consist of one midterm (Feb 17th) for 30% of your total grade, and one final exam (Mar 15th) for 50% of your total grade. Exams will be under Pages > Exams in canvas. The grading scheme for the whole course is as follows:

A+ 90-100 | A 85-90 | A- 80-85 | B+ 77-80 | B 73-77 | B- 70-73 | C+ 67-70 | C 63-67
| C- 60-63 | D 50-60 | F 0-50

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY | It is your responsibility to be aware of the parameters of academic integrity and student conduct, Pages > Academic Integrity. Any suspected cases are reported to the academic integrity office. Cheating will not be tolerated. See the UCSD Policy on Integrity of Scholarship.

HOMEWORK | There will be five bi-weekly homeworks, each of which is listed under Pages >

Homework at https://canvas.ucsd.edu/courses/22274/pages/homework.

Homework constitutes 20% of your whole grade. The lowest homework grade is dropped (including 0 for missed homework). All homework problem numbers refer to the numbering in the course notes under exercises at the end of each section. All homeworks are filled in on templates at link above and submitted via gradescope. First homework due Friday Jan 22nd 4.00p.

OTHER MATERIALS | There are some additional graph theory texts which may be consulted. Introduction to Graph Theory by Doug West, Modern Graph Theory by Bela Bollobas (advanced), Introductory Graph Theory by Gary Chartrand, Graph Theory by John Harris, Jeffry Hirst, Michael Mossinghoff. Some of these texts are available to view online through UCSD vpn or available to preview. The latter can be viewed at https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-0-387-79711-3 (Links to an external site.). Requires UCSD network; if off-campus, VPN instructions https://library.ucsd.edu/computing-and-technology/connect-from-off-campus/Links to an external site.