关键词 > COMPS413F

COMPS413F Application Design & Development for Mobile Devices


COMPS413F Mini-Project

COMPS413F Application Design & Development for Mobile Devices

Mini-Project in Android Application Development

Due Date: 3 January 2021 (Sunday) (Week 14)


The aim of the mini-project is to design, develop, and evaluate an application written in Android. Each group of no more than five students will submit an application of a particular area. The groupmates are not limited from the same tutorial group.

Project Requirements
• A complete version of your proposed application should be implemented.
• You are encouraged to implement any additional or useful feature.
• The application should satisfy the following basic technical requirements to achieve the minimal standard:
o Android API is applied
o Using both high-level GUI and low-level GUI
 UI widgets, 2D graphics
o Splash screen
o An “About” screen callable from menu command
o Data storage
 Files, shared preferences, SQLite, …
o Multithreading
 Thread, Handler, AsyncTask, …
o Multimedia

 Sound effects, image, device vibration, …


You are allowed to complete it with the help of other mobile application development frameworks. If any framework is employed, it should be specified in the report.

Project Report
• A report of less than 1000 words addressing the design and evaluation of the application.
• In the written report, you should include:
o Application/group basic information:
 Application name
 Names and student ID of students in the team
o Summary of your application project, e.g., the problem.
o Description of major and significant feature or improvement of your application.

Video Recording
• Record a video with length less than 5 minutes for demonstrating the features of your application.
• For demonstration with emulation in PC, you can download the following freeware to capture recording.
o Acethinker Free screen recorder online:
 https://acethinker.com/free-screen-recorder
 User guide:
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-cbiivY0PU&t=
o You can also use other approaches you are familiarized with.

o Cantonese or English is accepted during video demonstration.

• Submit your works to the OLE, which include:
o An Android Studio project containing the application and the application is runnable by running the project.
o Project report.
o Video recording.
• Use “s*******.zip” as the filename format of your submission, where s******* is your student ID.
o Only one submission of each group is required.
• Non-submission of each submission element will be penalized at 50% (absolute marks).
• Late submission without a legitimate reason will be penalized at 20% (absolute marks) by 1 day, or get zero for your mini-project.
• Submission of FYP or application from other courses will get zero mark of your mini-project.
• Every group should submit all the required components on 3 January 2021 (Sunday) (Week 14).

Grading Referenced Criteria

Pass Grade
• Satisfying the technical requirements.

Higher Grades

To obtain higher grades, groups may consider one or more of the following approaches:
• Appropriate use of more graphics and animations
• Appropriate use of more multimedia
• Appropriate use of more sophisticated techniques
• Innovative idea
• Significant features