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CSCI 4200 / 6050 Software Engineering Spring, 2022


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CSCI 4200 / 6050 Software Engineering

Spring, 2022

Course Information

Course Description: Software engineering is a discipline that allows us to apply engineering and computer science concepts in the development and maintenance of reliable, usable, and dependable software. There are several areas to focus on within software engineering, such as design, development, testing, maintenance, and management.

      The purpose of this course is to present software engineering as a body of knowledge. This course is designed to present software engineering concepts and principles in parallel with the software development life cycle. This course will begin with an introduction to software engineering, giving you a definition of this body of knowledge, as well as a discussion of the main methodologies of software engineering. You will learn Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), major methodologies followed by software modeling using Unified Modeling Language (UML), a standardized general-purpose modeling language used to create visual models of object-oriented software.

     You will go on to learn major phases of the SDLC: analysis, design, coding/implementation, and testing. You will also learn project management for the purpose of delivering high-quality software that satisfies customer needs and is within budget. By the time the course is complete, you will master software engineering concepts, principles, and essential processes of the SDLC. You will demonstrate this knowledge by creating artifacts for requirements gathering, analysis, and design phases using UML.

Credit Hours: 3


· CSCI 3000/3001 (Object Oriented Programming in C++: Minimum Grade D)

Learning Outcomes:

  At the end of the course, you will be able to: 

• Understand what software engineering is and why it is important.

• Understand what project management is in software engineering.

• Understand the life cycle of software engineering – Requirement gathering, High-level   

   design, Low-level design, Development, Testing, Deployment, Maintenance.

• Understand Unified Modeling Language (UML) and able to use UML software.

• Understand the concept of Metrics, Predictive Models, Iterative Models, RAD.  

Must Haves for This Course:

§ “Beginning Software Engineering”, by Rod Stephens, 378 pages, ISBN-13: 978-1118969144, ISBN-10:1118969146.

§ The course content, practices, questions, course slides, case studies etc., are from this book.

Information for Online Students

Minimum Knowledge and Skills: 

· Familiar with C/C++ Programming & Debugging

Minimum Technology Requirements: 

UML software to use in this course will be announced in lecture and Blackboard separately.

In order to successfully participate in this course, you must have:

· internet 100 Mbps speed or above (broadband highly recommended);

· a computer

· though a Chromebook is considered a computer, its operating system is not supported by Blackboard nor some apps used by AUM Online courses. AUM has laptop loaner program available;

· running Windows 8 or Mac OS 10.12 or higher;

· soundcard with microphone and headphones (a headset with microphone/headphones is highly recommended);

· videocard;

· webcam with 320x240 VGA resolution of higher;

· Intel Pentium processor or better;

· 2 GB of free RAM;

· 512 GB free disk space;

· active Auburn University at Montgomery email account;

· the latest version of Google Chrome or Safari or Microsoft Edge or Firefox* (*not supported on mobile devices);

· the Microsoft 365 suite: download · privacy · accessibility;

· Zoom: download · privacy · accessibility;

· Respondus Lockdown Browser: download · privacy · accessibility;

· Kaltura (found in Blackboard): privacy · accessibility;

· VoiceThread (found in Blackboard): privacy · accessibility;

· SafeAssign (found in Blackboard): privacy · accessibility;

· Turnitin (found in Blackboard): privacy · accessibility;

· a PDF reader.

Blackboard Use:  This course uses Blackboard (Bb) for course announcements, instructional materials, interactions, assignments, assessments, posting of grades and feedback, and resources. 

If you are not familiar with Blackboard, you should first complete the Blackboard Student Resource and Orientation Course, which you can access when you log into Blackboard. It demonstrates how to use Blackboard and course tools. Note that the instructor may not use all possible tools for this course. The Blackboard Student Resource and Orientation Course is a self-paced, non-credit and non-graded course, available throughout the semester and locked under MyCourses along with your other courses, including this one.

For Bb training videos and tutorials, visit https://help.blackboard.com/Learn/Student. For information on how this technology protects your privacy, please visit Blackboard’s Privacy Statement. For information on the accessibility of this technology, please visit the Accessibility in Blackboard Learn Ultra page.  

Expectations of Online Participants: As an online student, you are responsible for:

· regularly checking your AUM email;

· regularly logging into your course;

· regularly reading announcements;

· reading through the instructional materials during their respective week;

· completing all learning activities during their respective week;

· regularly checking your grades and feedback;

· reaching out to your faculty member when you have questions or need assistance;

· following netiquette rules;

· managing your time effectively.  

Disability Accommodations: Students who need accommodations are asked to arrange a meeting during office hours to discuss your accommodations. If you have a conflict with my office hours, an alternate time can be arranged. To set up this meeting, please contact me by e-mail. If you have not registered for accommodation services through the Center for Disability Services (CDS), but need accommodations, make an appointment with CDS, 147 Taylor Center, or call 334-244-3631, or e-mail CDS at [email protected].

Student Support

Free Academic Support: All students have the opportunity to receive free academic support at AUM. Visit the Learning Center (LC) in the WASC on second floor of the AUM Library Tower or the Instructional Support Lab (ISL) in 203 Goodwyn Hall. The LC/ISL offers writing consulting as well as tutoring in almost every class through graduate school. The LC may be reached at 244-3470 (call or walk-in for a session), and the ISL may be reached at 244-3265. ISL tutoring is first-come-first served.

Technology Support: For technology assistance, visit the ITS Help Desk located in the computer lab on the first floor of the Taylor Center, call 334-244-3500, email [email protected], or visit the Online Help Desk.

Policies and Procedures

For all university policies, please visit Current University Policies at https://www.aum.edu/governance/university-policy/current-university-policies/.

Netiquette Policy:

Short for internet etiquette, netiquette refers to professional behavior in all online communications, including email, discussions, papers, group work, etc., as described below:

· Avoid using abbreviations (such as IDK, BRB, TTYL or LOL) because not everyone is familiar with them and may find them confusing.

· If you use an acronym, explain it the first time you use it.

· Avoid using the red font, all caps, or multiple exclamation marks, as they are equivalent to yelling.

· Use joking and sarcasm very carefully; they may be misunderstood in the online classroom because of the lack of the facial cues and tone of voice from which we benefit in face-to-face communication.

· Check spelling, grammar, and punctuation carefully & think twice about what you are going to add to an online classroom, as you may not be able to modify or retract it.

· In discussion forums, avoid making simplistic peer responses such as “ditto” or “I agree”. All your posts need to be substantive and supported with evidence from the course or library, in an effort to deepen or move the conversation forward.

· Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes and respectful of the feelings of others.

· When appropriate, use private email instead of posting to the group.

· Use descriptive subject lines to give everyone in the class a clue as to what your post or email is about.

Attendance Policy: For face-to-face students attendance is required. Please bring your AUM ID for attendance verification. All students have one allowed unexcused absence. Each further count of absence will lead to 1% (1 point out of 100 points) deduction of course grade. For example, even if all your grades are 100, 11 times unexcused absences will lead to one letter grade drop (from A to B). 2 unexcused late counts as 1 absence. The class time is punctual. Late arrivals disrupt the lecture. 1-5 minutes late will count as late, After 5 minutes all will be counted as absence. Only provable/verifiable evidence, such as clinic visit receipt, doctor notes, etc. will be accepted. Please contact the GTA for providing such excuse documents.

Academic Honesty Policy: Please adhere to the standards of the Student Academic Honesty Code that can be found on pages 67 – 74 in the Student Handbook: https://www.aum.edu/aum-student-handbook/

Any kind of plagiarism/cheating is subjected to a zero grade for that particular assignment or test. Moreover, I will also penalize these students by giving them one-point lower letter grade at the end of the semester (e.g. B instead of A or C+ instead of B+). Note that beyond these specific consequences, the final letter grade for the course may also be subjected to F because all instances of academic dishonesty will be reported to the university administration for an official hearing and may also result in loss of current and future assistantship opportunities. Please note that discussing about a given homework is allowed as long as the student completes and submits own work. Copying (fully or partially) someone else’s work and using online resources without properly citing them will be considered as plagiarism.

Late, Missed, & Make-up Work Policy: Late assignments will receive a 25 pts penalty for every late day. Suppose the assignment is due Sunday at 11:59pm, then, for example, you will get a maximum of 75 points for that assignment if you submitted it on Monday and you will get maximum 50 if you submitted it on Tuesday, etc. Note that late submissions may not be graded within the normal processing times. Exams (both in-class and Blackboard exams) must be completed in the announced class day/time and no make-up tests/exams are allowed. A missing test/exam receives a grade of zero. Inform me, in advance, if you should miss a test/exam and we will discuss the validity of your excuse with the administration.

Any work that cannot be submitted correctly will be treated as missed. For example, you submitted a word document that is corrupt, then it will receive a zero. If you submitted a different course’s assignment for this course by mistake, then you should email me your assignment to timestamp your correct submission. However, such email submission automatically will get 25 pts penalty. So please do not leave your work to the last minute that leads to panic and mistakes.

If you need an extension for an assignment due to a legitimate excuse, please send me the current draft of your assignment along with the description/proof of the excuse. You are expected to start working on an assignment as soon as it is assigned. Therefore, leaving it to the last minute and then asking for extension without any draft is not professional.

Extra Credit Policy: Extra credit will only be considered under highly unusual circumstances.

Grades and Feedback: Expect grades and feedback by Thursday of the week immediately following a deliverable’s due date.

Communication Policy: When you have problems or questions regarding the course (not of a personal nature), the best way to contact me is via the discussion board as other students may have the same question. You may also contact me by email at any time, especially if the subject is of a personal nature. For email communication, use your @aum.edu email address and include your course number and name in the subject of the email, e.g. “CSCI/IS #### <Name Here> – Question on Homework 1.”The first contact should always be the course instructor regarding any course issues. When students cannot reach a satisfactory result with the course instructor, they should contact the Department Chair. The Department Chair for Computer Science and Computer Information Systems is Dr. Lei Wu, cellphone number 832-580-6930.


Grading Scale:

· Quiz: 20% (At least 2 times, 1 time in early February & 1 time in early April)

· Midterm: 20%

· Final Exam: 50% (Cumulative from beginning)

· Honesty: 10%

Learning Activity Descriptions


A quiz is mainly composed of a number of questions. The length of time for completion of each quiz is less than 40 minutes. Once a quiz takes place in a classroom, you will have only one attempt to finish that. References and electronic devices are not allowed to use during the classroom quizzes.

Mid-term and Final Exams

The two exams have to be finished under the supervision of faculty members. Usually, you will have two hours to work on exam.


Each week starts on Day 1, Monday, and ends on Day 7, Sunday.

· Initial discussion posts are due by 11:59 pm CST on Day 5, Friday.

· The firm deadline to drop this course is March 27th, 2022 


Instructional Materials


Learning Activities


Course Overview

/ Introduction to Software Engineering

Chap. 1

Lecture / Practice


Before the Beginning

Chap. 2

Lecture/ Practice


Project Management

Chap. 3

Lecture/ Practice


Requirement Gathering

Chap. 4

Lecture / Quiz


High-Level Design

Chap. 5

Lecture/ Practice


Low-Level Design

Chap. 6

Lecture/ Practice


Midterm Review and Exam


Midterm Exam



Chap. 7

Lecture/ Practice



Chap. 8

Lecture/ Practice



Chap. 9

Lecture/ Practice



Chap. 10

Lecture/ Practice



Chap. 11

Lecture/ Quiz


Predictive Models

Chap. 12

Lecture / Practice


Iterative Models

Chap. 13

Lecture/ Practice



Chap. 14

Lecture / Practice


Final Review and Exam


Final Exam

Course schedules are subject to change at the faculty member’s discretion.

*AUM Coronavirus Back to Campus Plan and COVID-19 Campus Health Policy*

Refer to the AUM COVID-19 Back to Campus website for current information, located here: https://www.aum.edu/backtocampus. If you are on campus, per the AUM social distancing and face covering policy, all members (faculty and students) must:

• Wear face coverings when in classrooms and public areas

• Maintain social distancing, stay at least 6 feet from other people

• Avoid unnecessary grouping and congregating of people

• Adhere to posted signage that regulates pedestrian traffic flow

Under AUM’s COVID-19 Campus Health Policy, all students must wear face coverings during most campus activities, including during our in-person class sessions, unless an exemption has been approved by the Dean of Students or the Center for Disability Services.


Course schedules are subject to change at the faculty member’s discretion. If any changes take place, you will be informed through an announcement.