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NG2S901 Configuration and Programming of Embedded Systems 2021-22


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Configuration and Programming of Embedded Systems


Assignment Brief

Alarm Clock

You are required to design a digital alarm clock using the Rx63N development board and the plug in daughter board. The alarm clock’s functionality follows the State Transition Diagram in Figure 1. As there are no audible outputs on these boards, use two LEDs that flash alternately to signify an alarm condition. Use a third LED to give a visual output as to when the alarm is in a set condition. The alarm clock uses three buttons to change the mode of operation, as indicated in State Transition Diagram.


The alarm clock’s alarm can only be set or cleared in the ‘Normal Display’ state; this is the only state that the alarm condition can be activated, which would require the alarm to be set and the actual time to match the alarm time. If the alarm has been activated then any of the three buttons will stop the alarm, taking it out of the set condition. If the alarm is not stopped by user interaction, then after one minute the alarm clock will automatically stop the LEDs toggling, again taking it out of a set condition.


You also need to ensure that there is timeout facilities for when the user takes the application into a state other than Normal Display. This would ensure that after a period  of time with no user interaction the application would revert back to the ‘Normal Display’ state. This feature is not indicated on the State Transition Diagram, Figure 1., but needs to be included and submitted as part of your report.




Deliverables [1] Source Code.

Marks will be awarded for:

· A correctly functioning application. The program should operate according to the specification.

· An efficient program and elegant algorithms. Try to develop algorithms, which are efficient in terms of the amount of data, which needs to be stored (e.g. minimum number of variables used).

· Appropriate use of a multi-state architecture.

· A well commented program. The use of commenting is essential, Reader must be able to understand/evaluate your program. Start your programs with the comments that specify the name of the program, your name, date program created and revision number.

·  A well laid out program. Indent your program code and the comments. Use blank lines to space out blocks of code.

· Final E2Studio project file needs to be renamed as student number and submit via email, on or before the assignment deadline.

Deliverables [2] Documentation.

· Describe the structure of your program, include short-description about the problem-solving stage and implementation of your program as well as an account of its limitations and possible improvements.

· A well described algorithm, illustrated using a flowchart./State transition diagram

A thoroughly tested program. You must supply and explain the choice of values/data entered, which are used to test the application. You should also document any particular case where the program fails, or for extra marks, add code to prevent the application failing.

· Following contents MUST be included in you report as an appendix.

o main.c, ISR_DEFs.c

· All the submissions MUST be submit through black board unless it has been previously agreed to submit other ways. It is also your responsibility to send the following files to the module leader for verification.

o main.c, ISR_DEFs.c