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PSYC21061 Statistics and Data Analysis


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Statistics and Data Analysis



Statistics and Data Analysis

Unit code


Credit rating




Contact hours

Approx. 22 hours self-paced directed learning (asynchronous)

22 hours live (synchronous) practical sessions

5 hours live (synchronous) review sessions

Other scheduled teaching and learning activities*

Monitored discussion board; Drop-in Sessions

Pre-requisite units

(recommended) PSYC10100 Research Methods and Statistics

Co-requisite units


School responsible

School of Health Sciences

Member of staff responsible

Dr Alison Fisher



Notional hours of Learning***



This unitaimsto:

Encourage a conceptual understanding of the logic underpinning a range of inferential statistical procedures commonly used in psychological research. Instruct students in the use of SPSS for data analysis. Equip students with statistical knowledge that will allow them to independently identify and conduct appropriate statistical analyses and interpret the results of these analyses. Equip students with statistical knowledge that will allow them to independently evaluate the use of statistics in published research.


This course unit builds upon the principles and techniques introduced in PSYC10100 Research Methods and Statistics. Students who have not completed this Level 4 course may need to do some independent study in preparation for the Level 5 course (please contact the unit lead for recommended resources).

This course will cover statistical tests appropriate to a range of research designs which are commonly employed in psychological research. Focus will be placed on developing a theoretical (rather than mathematical) understanding of statistical procedures. Concepts common to these procedures will be emphasised to provide students with an appreciation of fundamental principles underpinning statistical analyses. Students will be guided in the use of statistical software (SPSS) for data analysis and will have regular opportunities to apply the procedures they have learnt to novel data. These data will always be contextualised within practical research scenarios and emphasis will be placed on determining the appropriate analysis and providing a meaningful interpretation of results.

This is a compulsory Year 2 unit for the BSc Psychology and BSc Cognitive Neuroscience and programmes, falling within the Cross Cutting theme. It provides a foundation for further study and independent project work in all units at level 6.