关键词 > Comp1005

Carleton University School of Computer Science Comp 1005- Assignment 1


Due Date: Check the schedule in the course outline
Submission Guidelines: Check the assignment guidelines and recommendations in the course outline

**** Assignment name: should be A1-your student number***********

Notes: It is essential that you use the built-in, default, archiving program to create this zip folder.

If we cannot easily open your zip file and extract the python files from them we cannot grade your assignment.

Other file formats, such as rar, 7zip, etc, will not be accepted. Windows: Highlight (select with ctrl-click) all of your files for submission. Right-click and select “Send to” and then “Compressed (zipped) folder”. Change the name of the new folder “A1-your student number.zip”. MacOS:

Highlight (select with shift-click) all of your files for submission in Finder. Right-click on one of the files and select “compress N items…” where N is the number of files you have selected.

Rename the “Archive.zip” file “A1-your student number.zip”. Linux: use the zip program. After submitting your A1-your student number.zip file to cuLearn, be sure that you download it and then unzip it to be certain that what you have submitted is what you wanted to submit. This also checks that your zip file is not corrupted and can be unzipped.

The assignment is composed of two questions that must be solved correctly in order to achieve a full mark.

Python Arithmetic Operators

Python arithmetic operators performs various arithmetic operations in an expression. Arithmetic operators include addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, and exponents. You should read about the precedence of these operators in solving an arithmetic expression that combines multiple operators. Note that we group certain operations between parenthesis () for priority. For instance, (2+3)- 1 would allow 2+3 to be solved first then subtract 1 from the result of the addition.

Question 1: Write a python program that takes user’s input for solving the following arithmetic expression [40 marks]

6.0 * (1 - (1/3) - (1.0/5) + (6.0/2.0) + (16/8) - (2.0/11))
Each value in the above expression should be assigned first to a variable, then your program should prompt you to enter the values for these variables and store the overall result in another variable.
Your output should be displayed exactly like this
“The result of solving the expression: 6.0 * (1 - (1/3) - (1.0/5) + (6.0/2.0) + (16/8) - (2.0/11)) is: xxx”
Where xxx represents the overall result value.

Python comparison operators and logical operators in conditional statements

Python comparison operators or relational operators compares the values of operands on the left- and right-hand sides of the operator and determines the relation between them. Various comparison operators in python are ( = =, != , <>, >,<=, etc.). Comparison operators are used alot within the conditional statements if (condition).
Logical operators are AND, OR and NOT. The returned result from a logical operator is either TRUE or FALSE according to the following rules
AND operator returns TRUE if both operands (right side and left side) are true, otherwise it returns FALSE
OR operator returns TRUE if either of the operand (right side or left side) is true, otherwise it returns FALSE
NOT operator (called unary operator, one operand) returns TRUE if the operand is false, and returns FALSE if the operand is True.

Question 2: Write a Python program that employs the above operators for determining the Systolic blood pressure according to the following table [60 marks]

Blood Pressure Category Systolic mm/ Hg
Normal Less than 120
Prehypertension 120-139
High blood -Stage 1 140-159
High blood stage 2 160-179
Hypersensitive crisis 180 or higher
Your program should accept a systolic value and display the category. For any value you input the result should look like this

The Systolic value xxx implies yyy blood pressure case.
Where xxx represent a systolic value and yyy represent blood pressure category.

***Note: Make sure to test your program for various input values that represent all cases.

****Good Luck***