关键词 > CS-GY6233

Homework #1


NYU Tandon School of Engineering September 8,2019
Computer Science and Engineering
CS-GY 6233, Fall 2019

Academic Honesty
Aside from the narrow exception for collaboration on homework, all work submitted in this course must be your own. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. If you have any questions about a specific case,
please ask me. We will be checking for this!
NYU Tandon’s Policy on Academic Misconduct: http://engineering.nyu.edu/academics/code-of- conduct/academicmisconduct
Homework Notes
General Notes
Read the assignment carefully, including what files to include.
Don’t assume limitations unless they are explicitly stated.
Treat provided examples as just that, not exhaustive list of cases that should work.
When in doubt regarding what needs to be done, ask. Another option is test it in the real UNIX operating system. Does it behave the same way?
Test your solutions, make sure they work. It’s obvious when you didn’t test the code.
Since we had some issues before on homework 1. Here are someof the things we know we will test, but these are not the only things we will test. Therefore make sure to test your program thoroughly and thoughtfully.
Total: 100 points
-50: hello does not work
-10: No exit() at the end of hello.c
-50: uniq does not work
-10: uniq does not handle long lines (more than 512 characters)
-10: Debug printf left in code
-10: cat example.txt | uniq does not work
-10: uniq -c example.txt does not work
-10: uniq -d example.txt does not work
-10: uniq -i example.txt does not work
Part 0: Intro to xv6
In this assignment, you’ll start getting familiar with xv6 by writing a couple simple programs that run in the xv6 OS.
As a prerequisite, make sure that you have followed the install instructions from NYU Classes to get your build environment set up.
A common theme of the homework assignments is that we’ll start o↵ with xv6, and then add something or modify it in some way. This assignment is no exception. Start by getting a copy of xv6 using
git (commands typed at the terminal, and their output, will be shown using a monospace font; the commands type will be indicated by a $):
$ git clone https://github.com/moyix/xv6-public.git
Cloning into
remote: Counting objects:
4475, done.
remote: Compressing objects:
100% (2679/2679), done.
remote: Total
4475 (delta 1792), reused 4475 (delta 1792), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (4475/4475), 11.66 MiB | 954.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas:
100% (1792/1792), done. Checking connectivity... done.
Make sure you can build and run xv6. To build the OS, use cd to change to the xv6 directory, and then run
make to compile xv6:
$ cd xv6-public
$ make
Then, to run it inside of QEMU, you can do:
$ make qemu
QEMU should appear and show the xv6 command prompt, where you can run programs inside xv6. It will look something like:
Figure 1: Starting xv6 in QEMU
You can play around with running commands such as
ls, cat, etc. by typing them into the QEMU window; for example, this is what it looks like when you run ls in xv6:
Figure 2: Running
ls in xv6
Part 1: Hello World (20 points)
Write a program for xv6 that, when run, prints ”Hello world” to the xv6 console. This can be broken up into a few steps:
1. Create a file in the xv6 directory named
2. Put code you need to implement printing ”Hello world” into hello.c
3. Edit the file Makefile, find the section UPROGS (which contains a list of programs to be built), and add
a line to tell it to build your Hello World program. When you’re done that portion of the
Makefile should look like:
4. Run make to build xv6, including your new program (repeating steps 2 and 4 until you have compiling code)
5. Run
make qemu to launch xv6, and then type hello in the QEMU window. You should see ”Hello world” be printed out Of course step 2 is where the bulk of the work lies. You will find that many things are subtly di↵erent from the programming environments you’ve used before; for example, the printf function takes an extra argument that specifies where it should print to. This is because you’re writing programs for a new operating system, and it doesn’t have to follow the conventions of anything you’ve used before. To get a feel for how programs look in xv6, and how various APIs should be called, you can look at the source code for other utilities: echo.c, cat.c, wc.c, ls.c.
1. In places where something asks for a file descriptor, you can use either an actual file descriptor (i.e., the return value of the open function), or one of the standard I/O descriptors: 0 is ”standard input”,
1 is ”standard output”, and 2 is ”standard error”. Writing to either 1 or 2 will result in something being printed to the screen.

2. The standard header files used by xv6 programs are types.h (to define some standard data types) and user.h (to declare some common functions). You can look at these files to see what code they contain and what functions they define.
A brief digression on IDEs and text editors
I do not have strong preferences as to how you create source code. I personally prefer to use a traditional text editor that can be run at the command line such as pico. Although vim and emacs are great as well and there are plenty of alternatives out there. On macOS, some may prefer to use Xcode, others may prefer to use something like TextMate or Sublime Text. In the Linux VM I have provided, pico works fine. As long as you get a plain text file out of it with valid C syntax, you can choose whatever you like.
How you
compile the code is another matter. The xv6 OS is set up to be built using make, which uses the rules defined in Makefile to compile the various pieces of xv6, and to allow you to run the code. The simplest way to build and run it is to use this system. Trying to coerce an IDE such as Xcode into building xv6 is far more trouble than it’s worth.
Part 2: Implementing the uniq command (50 points)
uniq is a Unix utility which, when fed a text file, outputs the file with adjacent identical lines collapsed to one. If a filename is provided on the command line (i.e., uniq FILE) then uniq should open it, read, filter out, print without repeated lines in this file, and then close it. If no filename is provided, uniq should read from standard input.
Here’s an example of the basic usage of
$ cat example.txt
No. 2
No. 2
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5
No. 6
No. 6
No. 2
no. 2
$ uniq example.txt
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5
No. 6
No. 2
no. 2
You should also be able to invoke it without a file, and have it read from standard input. For example, you can use a pipe to direct the output of another xv6 command into uniq:
$ cat example.txt | uniq
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5
No. 6
No. 2
no. 2
1. Many aspects of this are similar to the wc program: both can read from standard input if no arguments are passed or read from a file if one is given on the command line. Reading its code will help you if you get stuck.
2. Still confused with
uniq’s behavior? Use man uniq for help.
Part 3: Extending uniq (30 points)
The traditional UNIX uniq utility can do lots of things, such as:
-c: count and group prefix lines by the number of occurrences
-d: only print duplicate lines
-i: ignore di↵erences in case when comparing
Here, we are going to implement these three behaviors in your version of
uniq. The expected output of these commands should be:
$ uniq -c example.txt
1 No. 1
3 No. 2
1 No. 3
1 No. 4
1 No. 5
2 No. 6
1 No. 2
1 no. 2
$ uniq -d example.txt
No. 6
$ uniq -i example.txt
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5
No. 6
No. 2
$ uniq -c -i example.txt
1 No. 1
3 No. 2
1 No. 3
1 No. 4
1 No. 5
2 No. 6
2 No. 2
Notice that ”No. 2” should be the same as ”no. 2” if uniq is not case-sensitive. Also, -c and -d won’t appear at the same time.
Submitting the Assignment
Submit hello.c and the completed uniq.c on NYU Classes.