关键词 > C++代写 CS225

MP 7 Mazes


Solo MP

This MP, as well as all other MPs in CS 225, are to be completed without a partner.

You are welcome to get help on the MP from course staff, via open lab hours, or Piazza!

Goals and Overview

In this MP you will:

  • Implement the disjoint sets data structure.
  • Create a program to generate random mazes.
  • Understand graphs, graph distances, and graph traversal.
  • Represent a maze and its solution on a PNG.
A solved maze.

A solved maze.

Checking Out the Code

Get the code in the usual way.

The mp7 directory will contain sample output including all 4 possible 2x2 mazes and one 50x50 maze. We encourage you to test your code by writing your own main.cpp that uses your classes in different ways.

Assignment Requirements

These are strict requirements that apply to both parts of the MP. Failure to follow these requirements may result in a failing grade on the MP.

  • You are required to comment the MP as per the commenting standard described by the Coding Style Policy.
  • You must name all files, public functions, public member variables (if any exist), and executables exactly as we specify in this document.
  • Your code must produce the exact output that we specify: nothing more, nothing less. Output includes standard and error output and files such as Images.
  • Your code must compile on the EWS machines using clang++. Being able to compile on a different machine is notsufficient.
  • Your code must be submitted correctly by the due date and time. Late work is not accepted.
  • Your code must not have any memory errors or leaks for full credit. ASAN tests will be performed separately from the functionality tests.
  • Your public function signatures must match ours exactly for full credit. If using different signatures prevents compilation, you will receive a zero. Tests for const-correctness may be performed separately from the other tests (if applicable).

Assignment Description

You will be implementing a Disjoint set data structure and then implementing a random maze generator and solver. The assignment is broken up into the two following parts:

  • MP 7.1 — The DisjointSets data structure.
  • MP 7.2 — The SquareMaze random maze generator and solver.

As usual, we recommend implementing, compiling, and testing the functions in MP 7.1 before starting MP 7.2. Submission information is provided for each part in the respective sections below.

MP 7.1: The DisjointSets data structure

The DisjointSets class should be declared and defined in dsets.h and dsets.cpp, respectively. Each DisjointSetsobject will represent a family of disjoint sets, where each element has an integer index. It should be implemented with the optimizations discussed in lecture, as up-trees stored in a single vector of ints. Specifically, use path compression and union-by-size. Each element of the vector represents a node. (Note that this means that the elements in our universe are indexed starting at 0.) A nonnegative number is the index of the parent of the current node; a negative number in a root node is the negative of the set size.

Note that the default compiler-supplied Big Three will work flawlessly because the only member data is a vectorand this vector should initially be empty.

The addelements function

See the Doxygen for this function.

The find function

See the Doxygen for this function.

The setunion function

See the Doxygen for this function.

Testing MP 7.1

The following command can be used to compile the DisjointSets test executable:

make testdsets 

The following command can be used to run the test executable:


Provided Catch test cases are available as well by running:

make test

Grading Information — MP 7.1

The following files are used to grade MP7:

  • dsets.cpp
  • dsets.h

All other files including your testing files will not be used for grading.

MP 7.2: The SquareMaze random maze generator and solver

The SquareMaze class should be declared and defined in maze.h and maze.cpp, respectively. Each SquareMaze object will represent a randomly-generated square maze and its solution. Note that by “square maze” we mean a maze in which each cell is a square; the maze itself need not be a square. As always, we recommend reading the whole specification before starting.

setWall and canTravel

You should triple check that setWall and canTravel function exactly according to spec, as an error in these functions will not be caught by making your own mazes but can cost you a majority of the points during grading.


The makeMaze function

See the Doxygen.

The canTravel function

See the Doxygen.

The setWall function

See the Doxygen.

The solveMaze function

See the Doxygen.

The drawMaze function

See the Doxygen.

The drawMazeWithSolution function

See the Doxygen.

Testing MP 7.2

Square Maze Testing

Since your mazes will be randomly generated, we cannot provide you with any sample images to diff against. However, we have provided you with all four possible 2x2 mazes. If you have your program create and solve a 2x2 maze, the resulting image (with solution) should match one (and only one) of the provided images m0.pngm1.pngm2.png, and m3.png. We strongly suggest that you diff against these to make sure that you have formatted the output image correctly.

We provide some basic code to test the functionality of SquareMaze.

The following command can be used to compile the SquareMaze test executable:

make testsquaremaze 

The following command can be used to run the test executable:


You can compare the console output of your program with the expected by comparing it with the file soln_testsquaremaze.out.

Catch Test Suite

Additional unit tests similar to how we will grade your MP are provided for you in tests/test_part2.cpp. Once you have completed Part 2, you may uncomment the Part 2 tests and re-compile to include Part 2 tests:

// uncomment test_part2.cpp
make test

Runtime Concerns

You should strive for the best possible implementation. This MP can be implemented so that the given testsquaremaze.cpp runs in less than a quarter of a second on the EWS linux machines. To have a high probability of finishing within the time constraints of the grading script, make sure you can run the given testsquaremaze.cpp in under 3 seconds on an unencumbered machine. You can time MP7 by running the command time ./testsquaremaze.

Grading Information — MP 7.2

  • We will use canTravel to reconstruct your randomly generated maze in our own maze class, to check that it’s a tree and to compare your implementation to a correct implementation of this MP. This will require height*width*2calls to canTravel. Therefore, it is very important that canTravel works, and works quickly (constant time). If it doesn’t work, you will lose a lot of points.
  • We will use setWall to replace your maze with our own, for the purpose of testing all of your other functions independently of your createMaze.
setWall and canTravel

You should triple check that setWall and canTravel function exactly according to spec, as an error in these functions will not be caught by making your own mazes but can cost you a majority of the points during grading.

The following files are used to grade MP7:

  • dsets.cpp
  • dsets.h
  • maze.cpp
  • maze.h

All other files (including your main.cpp) will not be used for grading.