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CTEC2905 Object Oriented Design


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CEM – Coursework Brief 2021/22

Module name:

Object Oriented Design

Module code:


Title of the Assignment:

Portfolio Assessment + Online Practical Test

This coursework item is: (delete as appropriate)



This summative coursework will be marked anonymously



The learning outcomes that are assessed by this coursework are:

1. Use Java to implement standard object-oriented designs given in UML.

2. Design and develop trustworthy software in the context of an object-oriented language.

This coursework is: (delete as appropriate)



This coursework constitutes 100% to the overall module mark.

Date Set: 

Monday 15th November 2021 at 00:01

Date & Time Due: 

Monday 10th January 2022 at the end of your online test.

In accordance with the University Assessment and Feedback Policy (https://www.dmu.ac.uk/about-dmu/quality-management-and-policy/academic-quality/learning-teaching-assessment/assessment-feedback-policy.aspx), your marked coursework and feedback will be available to you on: 08/02/2022

You should normally receive feedback on your coursework by no later than 20 working days after the formal hand-in date, provided that you have met the submission deadline. If for any reason this is not forthcoming by the due date your module leader will let you know why and when it can be expected. The Associate Professor Student Experience ([email protected]) should be informed of any issues relating to the return of marked coursework and feedback.  

When completed you are required to submit your coursework to:

1. Blackboard VLE through one or more submission portals. Further instructions will be provided leading up to, and as part of your online practical test in week 15.

Late submission of coursework policy: Late submissions will be processed in accordance with current University regulations (https://www.dmu.ac.uk/about-dmu/quality-management-and-policy/academic-quality/academic-regulations-assessment-boards/academic-regs-assessment-board-homepage.aspx) which state: 

the time period during which a student may submit a piece of work late without authorisation and have the work capped at 40% [50% at PG level] if passed is 14 calendar days. Work submitted unauthorised more than 14 calendar days after the original submission date will receive a mark of 0%.  These regulations apply to a student’s first attempt at coursework. Work submitted late without authorisation which constitutes reassessment of a previously failed piece of coursework will always receive a mark of 0%.”

Academic Offences and Bad Academic Practices:

These include plagiarism, cheating, collusion, copying work and reuse of your own work, poor referencing or the passing off of somebody else's ideas as your own. If you are in any doubt about what constitutes an academic offence or bad academic practice you must check with your tutor. Further information and details of how DSU can support you, if needed, is available at:

http://www.dmu.ac.uk/dmu-students/the-student-gateway/academic-support-office/academic-offences.aspx and http://www.dmu.ac.uk/dmu-students/the-student-gateway/academic-support-office/bad-academic-practice.aspx 

Tasks to be undertaken: See (following) attached document.

Deliverables to be submitted for assessment: See (following) attached document.

How the work will be marked: See (following) attached document.

Module leader/tutor name:

Luke Attwood

Contact details:

[email protected] (GH6.71)

Portfolio Assessment + Online Practical Test


About this assessment

This assessment counts 100% towards your module mark. It takes the form of:

· A set of OO portfolio questions (weeks 7 – 9)

· An online practical test (week 15)


The portfolio work is provided during your routine lab exercises between weeks 7 – 9. The online test takes place during week 15.


The objective of this assessment is for you to demonstrate your ability to design and implement an OO system consisting of a set of Java classes. In particular:

1. To design and implement classes with suitable fields, constructors and routine methods.

2. To conform to the standard conventions of Java, and those taught on this module, and in doing so, write software that is of a Trustworthy nature.

3. To implement classes that are associated by delegation, composition, and aggregation, and the realisation of interface types.

4. To write a prescribed client application that uses your classes and to use JUnit Test Cases to evaluate your progress, and inform your development.

Portfolio work

The portfolio work aims to assess your understanding of the core topics covered during this module. There will be several lab exercise questions provided in weeks 7, 8, and 9, which contribute towards two overall portfolio case studies focussed around either a Player class or a Register class. The assessed questions will generally build upon work you have encountered during other lab questions during the module. It is therefore recommended that you attempt all lab exercise questions, both to assist your conceptual understanding, and to provide a basis for completing the portfolio work.

Assessed lab questions will be clearly outlined with a portfolio tag: [ìPortfolioì]

There are two Portfolio case studies – A and B – that will be assessed, each with three parts:


Lab Exercise

Portfolio A - Player

Portfolio B - Register


Ex 6: Composition & Aggregation

Question 6.3 (A.1)

Question 6.6 (B.1)

8 & 9

Ex 7: Interfaces

Question 7.2 (A.2)

Question 7.5 (B.2)

Question 7.10 (A.3)

Question 7.9 (B.3)

Portfolio A consists of parts A.1, A.2 and A.3; Portfolio B consists of parts B.1, B.2 and B.3.


Javadoc comments

The Player and Register classes that will contribute towards your portfolio assessment should be fully documented with Javadoc, as per the module guidelines, and the quality of your comments will be assessed – see Assessment Criteria section of this document.

JUnit Test Cases

You will be provided with JUnit Test Cases containing a variety of unit tests, which will be used in part to mark your work (see Assessment Criteria).

In order to complete the assessed questions, you should primarily follow the UML class diagrams and lab question instructions, however, you will need to ensure that you use the same method signatures and return types as those specified in the unit tests in order to pass them. You can also read the messages in the assertion methods to gain a deeper understanding of the specific requirements of a given unit test.

You will not be able to pass all unit tests immediately. Taking Portfolio B as an example, in part B.1 you are given a variety of unit tests, however, not all of them will pass until you have completed each of part B.1, B.2 and B.3. You may therefore use the unit tests to gain ongoing feedback on your progress.

Marking note: Ideally, you should not modify the JUnit Test Cases, however, if you require to do so for debugging purposes, then please be aware that the original files handed out to you will be used to mark your work unless explicitly stated otherwise within a given question. Therefore, passing a unit test that you have modified has no bearing on whether you will pass the unit tests used to mark your work following submission.


Important Note

Please do NOT be tempted to search the internet for an existing solution and then hand this in – e.g. if you run out of time.  This is cheating – it is better to hand in what you have honestly achieved by yourself than try to get credit for someone else’s work and risk getting caught.  Cheating is an academic offence.

If you get stuck, then please ask the module tutors for assistance and come to the labs – we will be providing help in the labs (but not actually doing it for you of course).

Do NOT use anyone else’s material without referencing it – this is bad academic practice or plagiarism. These are considered as academic offences.

Do NOT work jointly on a solution; do NOT give your solution to anyone else to “help them” and do NOT accept anyone else’s solution as “guidance”. Such practice could lead to an allegation of collusion which is an academic offence. All parties involved in collusion (the givers, the receivers, the collaborators) can be found guilty of an academic offence, irrespective of motive.


You need to submit your attempted portfolio work through Blackboard VLE at the end of your online practical test in week 15. More specific instructions will be given on the day of your test regarding the specific files we require you to submit for marking, and the format we require them in.

Preparation for the online practical test

During your routine lab exercises between weeks 7 – 9 you will be provided with lab questions that count towards this assessment. You should attempt to complete each of these questions to the best of your ability.

In week 15, you will have an online practical test where you will be asked to modify one of the two overall portfolio case studies – either A, or B (each of which is made up of three parts). Your overall work across both portfolio case studies will still be assessed however.

You are advised to revisit and study both of the portfolio questions and each of their respective parts prior to the online test.

On the day of the online practical test

Specific details on the time and duration of the test will be communicated in due course, however, the test will be open-book but will be conducted under exam conditions.

The changes that you will be asked to make to your existing programs are not significant, but aim to assess your understanding of the programs you have produced.

Typical modifications that you may be asked to make to your programs during the test are:

· Updating existing methods in a class.

· Adding new methods to a class.

· Adding additional code that uses aspects of your class.

You are allowed to refer to course material, your own projects within Eclipse, the Java API documentation online, and a textbook. You may not use work produced by other students.

You must not talk to other students, nor use email, mobile phones or any other messaging systems.

At the end of the test you will submit your portfolio work to Blackboard including your attempt at the given modifications.

Assessment Criteria

The following criteria show how you will be assessed for the submitted portfolio work:

· Class Design (40%): Class design (i.e. Player and Register) is sound and meets the requirements specified in each part of the corresponding portfolio case studies being assessed, and attempts to pass the JUnit tests provided.

· Client Application (10%): Client application (i.e. PlayerApp and RegisterApp) behaves correctly and attempts to pass the JUnit tests provided.

· Documentation (20%): Javadoc has been used to write class header descriptions and appropriate explanations of methods and constructors using Javadoc tags where necessary (for both Player and Register), supporting the idea of trustworthy software.

· Online test modifications (30%): Modifications have been made and attempt to provide the required new functionality based on the JUnit tests provided.

The mark you receive for the first three criteria above will be split between the Player and Register portfolio case studies. Therefore 35% of your mark will be for the class design, client application and documentation associated with the Player class, and a further 35% will be awarded for these respective areas in relation to the Register class.

Furthermore, the mark you receive for the criteria: class design, client application and online test modifications will be based upon the percentage of JUnit tests you have passed for that given component *. The examiner will provide a mark based on the quality of your Javadoc comments.

* Should the examiner who marks your work feel that you have hardcoded a solution to simply pass a given unit test, instead of following the instructions and specification provided, then they may use their discretion to override the original mark awarded.

Important submission note: Failure to attend your online practical test in week 15, even if you subsequently submit your work, will be treated as a late submission.

Students that submit work late (within the permitted timeframe of the late submission assessment policy) will forfeit the chance to take the online test, and will therefore initially be marked out of 70 (excluding the online test component), with a percentage out of 100 then calculated from this. The overall mark of the coursework will also be capped at 40%, as is standard for late submissions. To ensure a student who submits on time is not disadvantaged, if they fail under the original marking scheme, we will check if a better mark would have been awarded under the late submission criteria weighting. If under the latter scheme their mark is better, we will upgrade it, however, it will not exceed 40%.