关键词 > ISGB/BYGB7978

Web Analytics ISGB/BYGB 7978 Assignment 1


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Assignment 1

Web Analytics ISGB/BYGB 7978

1. Any late submissions will have points deducted as follows: 1 day late: -15%, 2 days late: -30%; not accepted for grading if submitted after 3 or more days. Any such assignments will receive score of zero.

2. Late submission due to special occasions can be discussed separately with the instructor.

3. Extra point is not required but will give you extra credit if done right.

4. There are two programming questions. Your program is graded mainly on its correctness, i.e., be able to generate the correct output with different testing cases. However, the effectiveness, programming style and proper documentation are also considered as part of your grade.


1. Please name the three type of Web Analytics this course will cover:


2. In social media analytics, one of the tasks is to observe user reviews and sentiment of user reviews. Which type Web analytics is this?


3. Google’s ranking algorithm is based on Web content only. Is this statement true? If not, please write down the correct statement.


4. You are asked to develop a Python program that calculates tip and total bill for a restaurant. Upon running the program, it asks the user:

How much is your original bill?

What percentage is your tip?

The program takes the original bill amount as an input to calculate tip and total bill. Tip is based on the desired percentage of the original bill. It outputs

Your tip based on __% is   ______ (fill in tip % and tip amount here)

Your total bill is ___________ (fill in total bill here)


*Name your program Problem1_Lastname.py and submit it on Blackboard. Also submit a screenshot of your output result in the word document.


5. You are asked to develop a Python program to process “new_purchases.txt” data. Your boss wants to compare the average transaction amount between New York and San Francisco. Output your result to a .txt file. The output should contain the following lines:


The average transaction amount based on _(number)__ transactions in New York is ____.

The average transaction amount based on _(number)__ transaction in San Francisco is _____.

_______ has a higher average transaction amount than _______.


*Name your program Problem2_Lastname.py and submit it on Blackboard.