关键词 > PH-UY1013



This is the first in a sequence of three physics courses that are basic to your further studies in engineering and science. We expect that your aim is not only to pass this course, but also to learn some physics in the process. Our aim is to do all in our power to ensure that you enjoy doing this, that you successfully complete the course, and that you come to appreciate what physics has to offer.
The pre-requisite for this course is MA1024 or an approved equivalent. The co-requisite is MA1124 or an approved equivalent. It’s quite possible that you were accidentally allowed to register without having already passed the prerequisite. Be advised that in such a case, you will be de-registered.
The recitation hour on Tuesdays and Fridays provides you with a chance to clear up any misconceptions or questions you might have. A fifteen-minute quiz will take place at some time during every recitation hour. These quizzes are designed to provide you with additional feedback, aside from your homework, on how familiar you have become with the basic topics, as well as to keep you to a pace of study in line with the overall schedule. These quizzes will be on the same topic(s) as on the homework due that particular day. A specific scientific calculator (in the TI-30, TI-34 or TI- 36 series, except for the TI-30X Pro and TI-36X Pro) will be needed for the quizzes. Homework must be submitted electronically before the due time on Friday.
The NYU Classes website is at http://newclasses.nyu.edu and is called “MECHANICS”. All relevant course documents will be posted there.
The homework is done online via the MasteringPhysics homework system at
NOTE: Your instructors will be communicating with you throughout the semester via your NYU (@nyu.edu) email address. It is your responsibility to ensure that you receive these messages. If you do not regularly check your NYU account, you should forward those messages to the account you do check on a regular basis.
An 80-minute mid-term examination plus a 2-hour Final examination will be given. No make-ups are given except in cases of extreme personal emergencies, supported by proper documentation (such as a doctor’s note). Under no circumstances will a student be allowed to retake an exam already taken. Both exams will be given during class time. Room assignments will be announced. Make sure to bring your NYU ID card to the exam and do not bring coats, books, notes, etc. to your seat in the examination room. Deposit any such materials at the front of the room before taking your seat. An approved scientific calculator (see description in “RECITATION” above) will be needed for the examinations. All communication devices must be turned off and left in the front of the room. This includes mobile phones, tablets, and smart watches. Failure to comply will result in penalties being imposed.

Quizzes: There are no makeups for quizzes. If you are unable to take a quiz, you will be excused from the quiz provided you present valid supporting documentation to your lecturer (not your recitation instructor) no later than a week after the missed quiz. The maximum number of excused quizzes allowed for a summer session is two. After that, you’ll have to take a zero on any missed quiz, regardless of the excuse. (NOTE: A student has up to one week after a quiz is handed back to the class during which the grade can be appealed. After this point, the quiz grade becomes permanent.)

Exams: For the midterm and final exams, only the most extreme of circumstances will be accepted as valid excuses for being absent. In such cases, in order to be granted a chance for a makeup, you must contact your lecturer no later than the day of your exam and then follow up by providing your lecturer valid supporting documentation no later than a week after the exam. Under no circumstances are makeups given to students who have already taken an exam
or who do not having valid supporting documentation. 
for being absent. In such cases, in order to be granted a chance for a makeup, you must contact your lecturer no later than the day of your exam and then follow up by providing your lecturer valid supporting documentation no later than a week after the exam. Under no circumstances are makeups given to students who have already taken an exam or who do not having valid supporting documentation.

Homework: Homework assignments are rarely given extensions and never excused altogether. It is recommended that you plan to complete your homework assignment at least one day before the due date, so, in the rare case that the system is not working properly, you have enough time to request technical assistance by emailing [email protected].
NOTE: If a lecturer deems the amount of missed work for a particular student to be inordinately large, no further work will be excused.
The Polytechnic Tutoring Center is dedicated to giving you the personalized attention you need to help you achieve your academic goals at the School of Engineering. Their services are available to all students, free of charge. They offer tutoring in physics for first- and second-year undergraduate courses during the academic year. For more information, go to http://engineering.nyu.edu/academics/support/polytechnic.
Regular office hours of each member of the teaching staff will be announced. You may arrange a meeting with an instructor at other times by appointment.

If you are student with a disability who is requesting accommodations, please contact New York University’s Moses Center for Students with Disabilities at 212-998-4980 or [email protected]. You must be registered with CSD to receive accommodations. Information about the Moses Center can be found at http://www.nyu.edu/csd. The Moses

Center is located at 726 Broadway on the 2nd floor. NOTE: The Applied Physics department administers all exams including those requiring special accommodations, but without permission from the Moses Center, a student must take the exam under normal conditions. including those requiring special accommodations, but without permission from the Moses Center, a student must take the exam under normal conditions.

Your final grade is determined as follows. Your homework average counts for 5%, your quiz average counts for 25%, your midterm exam counts for 30%, and your final exam counts for 40%. The passing cut-off is set at 50% of the total points in the course. (The lowest two quiz grades and the lowest two homework grades are dropped at the end of the semester. This does not include quizzes from which a student is excused.)
Giancoli, Physics for Scientists & Engineers, Vol. 1 (Chs.1-20) (4th Edition)
ISBN-13: 978-0132273589
You will be expected to maintain all university regulations concerning academic honesty. Cheating can result in failure of the course and further disciplinary actions in accordance with the university code of conduct. (https://engineering.nyu.edu/campus-and-community/student-life/office-student-affairs/policies/student-codeconduct)