关键词 > STA457H1/STA2202H

STA457H1/STA2202H F-LEC5101 Time Series Analysis Final Project


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Department of Statistical Sciences

Time Series Analysis

STA457H1/STA2202H F-LEC5101

Final Project, Fall 2021

The project will involve analyzing time-series data and writing a brief report.   First, you will need to choose a suitable time series.  You can select a data set either from the  “astsa” library that we used for this course https://cran.r-project.org/web/ packages/astsa/astsa.pdf or any other resources. Choose a time series that

interests you,

is not too small it should have more than 100 observations,

can easily be made approximately stationary

is a different time series chosen from the lecture notes, quizzes, and assignments.

Data Analytic Strategies:

Perform adequate exploratory analysis of the data and provide a concise presentation of the results:

exploring the time series plot and examining the properties of a stationary process

apply some transformations to convert as a stationary process

Identifying the dependence orders of an ARIMA or SARIMA model and propose at least two models.

The model building used to address the problem of interest:

estimate the parameters for the proposed models

provide precise interpretations of the parameters in your model in the context of the scientific problem

test the significance of the parameter estimates

Perform all necessary diagnostics for the proposed models.

Model Selection:

if you have two or more models that satisfy the models’ assumptions, you can

pick the best model based on model selection criteria.


after deciding on an appropriate model, forecast the data into the future ten- time periods ahead

give the 95% prediction intervals for each of the ten forecasts


Spectral Analysis:

perform a periodogram analysis to identify the first three predominant periods

obtain the confidence intervals for the identified periods

interpret your ndings