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Lab 05 – Handle Database Data (Part II)


Intended Learning Outcome:

On completion of this lab, students are expected to be able to:

·               Write in PHP code to retrieve data from a MySQL database table

·               Display database data using different form controls (e.g. textbox, radio button, etc.)

·               Write in PHP code to insert, update and delete records(s) in MySQL database

Resource Required:

1.      A text editor such as Notepad++

2.      WAMP or XAMPP package which contains Apache (web server) and mySQL (relational database)

3.      A browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox


1.      Re-write a php file on Lab 4 Task 1 to shows a table containing all the records in the customers table. Add a new column to the table containing a hyperlink in each cell for deleting the corresponding record from the table.  Save the file as Lab05_1a.php

i.      Each hyperlink generated has a query string (?custID=xxxx) appended where xxxx is the custID for the row. Even without a form, we can pass the custID data to the PHP file Lab05_1b.php using get method.

ii.     Create a php file Lab05_1b.php which gets the customer ID sent by Lab05_1a.php for the customer record to be deleted.

·         Delete the record in the Customers table that matches with the customer ID.

·         Redirect the browser to display the page Lab05_1a.php after the deleting the record.

2.      Re-write a php file on Task 1 to shows a table containing all the records in the customers table. Modify the first column of the table containing a [Delete] button in each cell for deleting the corresponding record.  Save the file as Lab05_2a.php

i.                    Create a form contains both table and a hidden element which store the custID value for the record to be deleted.

ii.                  When user click the [Delete] button, it will call a javascript function setValue() and pass the custID as parameter.

iii.                Write a javascript function setValue() which will set the value to hidden element and submit the form to Lab05_2b.php.

iv.                Create a php file Lab05_2b.php which gets the customer ID sent by Lab05_2a.php for the customer record to be deleted.

·         Delete the record in the Customers table that matches with the customer ID.

·         Redirect the browser to display the page Lab05_2a.php after the deleting the record.


Create a php file on to shows a table containing all the records in the Customers table. The first column of the table containing a hyperlink for updating the corresponding record.  Save the file as Lab05_3a.php

i.                    After a hyperlink is clicked, it should retrieve data according to $_GET['custID'] and then display those data in a form under the table.

ii.                  After editing the data and click the [Update Record] button, all form data is submitted by post method to file Lab05_3b.php .

iii.                When the [Cancel] button is clicked, it should run a Javascript code:

       onclick="window.location.href='Lab05_3a.php';" />

Create a php file Lab05_3b.php to execute a SQL UPDATE command and then return to the page Lab05_3a.php using header function.