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ITC 2400 Signature Assignment


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ITC 2400

Signature Assignment


Create a complete, multiple page, web site that that is designed for one of the following topics:

• a pet adoption service,

• a student tutoring service,

• a summer vacation resort,

• a winter vacation resort,

• COVID19 informational website,

• a family owned restaurant or other business,

• a site topic of your own choosing subject to pre-approved by instructor


• An attractively styled home page that includes

o a banner background image appropriately themed with your name and your site's name layered on the banner.

• A page that will highlight the main offerings of your site such as room images, dining menus, adoption policies, available pets, tutoring services, shopping items, etc.

• All offerings that have an associated price must exhibit realistic pricing and must appear on this page. Pricing schedules must be presented in a responsive table or a flex-box but should be in a border free table for easy comparison.

• A page that provides a detailed, validated contact form. The validation must include the conversion to uppercase for the first letters of first name, last name, and city along with zip code and email validation.

• A page to discuss the support services available (you may add links to local support / maintenance services also (i.e. other dining opportunities in a nearby town) but not exclusively).  The services will be presented as an ordered list for major categories (i.e. transportation, maintenance, cleaning, etc. ) with the specific hours of operation (such as dates and times) appearing as an unordered lists within the category (i.e. lessons, competitions, or other items of interest). You can elect to use image‐styled‐ lists or not. The preference is that you will.

Specific requirements

• Each page will have an appropriate banner on the page and on the browser tab to show the viewer the purpose of the page that they are viewing.

• The home page must be an index page. All pages in the site will contain a link back to the home page.

• You will have a nav bar for viewers to navigate to all pages within your site. Each page must navigate back to the home page.

• Images matter! They must be relevant and of good taste and sized accordingly. Responsive is required.

• All tables must be styled using the nth child color scheme and must be responsive.

• All images, stylesheets, media and other category specific files must be in an appropriately named folder within the site.

• You must have dynamic rollover hyper‐links that will demonstrate a change in color, size, or font or all three. Look up link hover in W3Schools. A drop-down nav scheme is also acceptable.

• You must have an auto-chart included either in a page, or as a separate page, that will depict 12 key data points for your business.  The bars must have labels and show exceptions as a separate color. You will have at least two exceptions.

• Your entire site will be submitted to Canvas as one compressed folder


You need to highlight the important considerations that a prospective customer would want to know about your business in order to make an informed decision. You will be graded on the sites aesthetic appeal and functional effectivity along with the technical considerations of HTML5 structure, CSS rules, JavaScript functionality, and any other Web component you may opt to include.