关键词 > EES512

EES 512: Electric Circuits


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EES 512: Electric Circuits


Problem 1: [10 marks]

In the circuit below, find the voltage V across the current source and calculate its power.

Problem 2: [10 marks]

Three resistors, of 100 Ω rated at 10W, 150 Ω at 15W and 250Ω at 20 W are connected in series, as shown below. find:

a) Find the largest voltage Vmax that can safely be applied to the terminal A and B as shown;

b) Find the largest voltage Vmax that can safely be applied to the terminal A and B if three resistors are connected in parallel;

Problem 3: [10 marks]

Using nodal analyze to find the nodal voltage V1 and V2 in the circuit shown below.

Problem 4: [10 marks]

Write three mesh current expressions in the following circuit and solve for the current, I, flowing through the 2Ω resistor

Problem 5: [10 marks]

Find Thevenin equivalent circuit at terminals a-b.