关键词 > Java代写

413 Final Project


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413 Final Project

Technologies Required

● Spark Back end (java)[server]

● Mongodb database

● React Front end (javascript) [UI]

Due last day of semester

4 team members max

20% live demo

80% Code

Each team member must submit their own commits

Invite: https://classroom.github.com/a/hXM60P_X

Project description

● Create a simple payments site like Zelle, paypal, venmo ect.

● Need a collection to store transactions

○ to

○ from

○ amount

○ type

○ notes

○ any other data

● Display a feed of public transactions

● Create a signup form to create a username/password combo

○ Us a separate collection to keep track of usernames

● Only allow payments to valid users

● Fill in the blanks as you go, you can decide how to organize the pages, and what widgets to use.