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Programming Paradigms 159.272 Assignment 2 Game Tree


Programming Paradigms
Assignment 2 Game Tree
Amjed Tahir
[email protected]
Example: Hughes’ game trees
• a game tree is a directed graph whos:
•  nodes are positions in a game and
•  edges are moves.
• The complete game tree for a game is the game tree
starting at the initial position and containing all possible
moves from each position
case class GameTree( ( val gameState : GameState , val
move : List[Move])
in our case each node in the tree contains a configuration
(position) of the game and list of the configurations that
can be reached in one move from the current one
This game tree was explained in Hughes paper - Why
FuncBonal Programming MaFers (available on Stream!)
Example: Hughes’ game trees
def gameTree (player: Player, depth: Int , game: GameState ):
GameTree = {
def subGameTree (c: ColumnNum ): Move = {
Move(c, gameTree(otherPlayer(player), depth-1,
dropPiece(game, c, pieceOf(player))))
if (depth == 0 0) )
GameTree(game, List())
To build the tree:
• root node contains the initial value x,
• the list of root values for the subtrees is generated by f x
• we map (reptree f) over this list of values to recursively build the tree
Example: Hughes’ game trees
def gameTree (player: Player, depth: Int , game: GameState ):
GameTree = {
def subGameTree (c: ColumnNum ): Move = {
Move(c, gameTree(otherPlayer(player), depth-1,
dropPiece(game, c, pieceOf(player)))) }
if (depth == 0 0) )
GameTree(game, List()) \\no childs
allViableColumns(game).map(subGameTree)) \\this is a big and
infint gametree
The initial configuration of the game first in GameState
The list of children (configuration of each move – (6*7=) 42 è ( 42-1=) 41….. )
Moves takes a position and returns a list of positions I can get to from that position
 // Find the move that maximises the minimum utility to a player,
assuming it is that player's turn to move.
def maxmini (player: Player, tree: GameTree ): ColumnNum = {
tree match {
case GameTree( (x x , List()) => throw new Exception( "The AI was
asked to make a move, but there are no moves possible. This
cannot happen") )
case GameTree( (x x , moves ) => moves .maxBy (m =>
minimaxP (player, m. tree )). move //RaBng each posiBon (the posiBon of
max value to me
• We want to produce a function that will give us the
actual value of a given position, which will depend on all
reachable positions from that position.
• assume computer wants to move to child node with max
true value, opponent wants min true value
Example: Hughes’ game
Evaluating a position.
What happens if the game tree generated is infinite?
Or just very big?
def estimate(player: Player, game: GameState ): Int = {
if ( fourInALine( ( pieceOf (player), game))
else if ( fourInALine( ( pieceOf( ( otherPlayer( ( player )), game ))
• The game tree is also explained in Hughes’
paper (Why FP).
• See page 12-16
• The examples are in Haskell, but the logic is
the same.