关键词 > INFO1113

INFO1113 Assignment 1


Task Description

In this assignment you will develop a banking administrative system called BankerOS in the Java programming language. All bank accounts within the system will contain various details relating to the owner of the account. Each account is identified by a unique account number and maintains a history of transactions received and sent.

You are encouraged to ask questions on Ed using the assignments category. As with any assignment, make sure that your work is your own, and you do not share your code or solutions with other students.

Working on your assignment

You can work on this assignment on your own computer or the lab machines. It is important that you continually back up your assignment files onto your own machine, external drives, and in the cloud.

You are encouraged to submit your assignment on Ed while you are in the process of completing it. By submitting you will obtain some feedback of your progress on the sample test cases provided.

Implementation details

Write a program in Java that implements the BankerOS application as shown in the examples below. You can assume that our test cases will contain only valid input commands and not cause any integer overflows. Commands are case insensitive.

BankerOS stores a collection of Bank Accounts and the Transactions associated with them. Bank Accounts are identified by their account number (ACCNO), and store first name, last name, transaction history and current balance. By default, accounts begin with $10,000, however this can be overridden (see commands). Balances are stored as integers to remove decimal errors. Account numbers begin from 100,000 and are incremental (first account is 100000, second is 100001).

Transactions store sender, receiver, amount and hash. They are indexed from 1 and have unique indices. Both the sender and receiver must have bank accounts within the system to be a valid transaction. The hash is generated based on the details of the transaction as well as the hash of the previous transaction to ensure that ledgers are not modified.

Ledgers (collections of transactions) can be archived in a human-readable text file, stored in chronological order in the following form

, , , ,

1, 100000, 100001, 10, 1128448214

When ledgers are archived, a second human-readable file is also created, storing the account numbers and names of all accounts. This is archived in the following form (in numerical order)


100000, John, Smith, 10000

Archived ledgers can be restored by Banker, resetting the data to the ledger's archived state.

An account’s balance cannot go below $0. Transactions are aborted if they result in a negative balance.

Your program can be contained within the scaffold of Banker.java, BankAccount.java and Transaction.java. Do not modify any of the existing method signatures in these files. Your program must produce no errors when built and run on the lab machines and Ed. Your program will read from standard input and write to standard output.

Your program output must match the exact output format shown in the examples and on Ed. You are encouraged to submit your assignment while you are working on it, so you can obtain some feedback. You have been provided simple skeleton classes and hints on how to implement your banking application.

In order to obtain full marks, your program will be checked against automatic test cases, manually inspected by your tutors and you must submit a set of test cases that ensure you have implemented functionality correctly.


Your program should implement the following commands, look at the examples to see how they work.
If an does not exist in the system, output: no such account
If a does not exist in the system, output: no such transaction

EXIT exit from application

COMMANDS display the command list

LIST ACCOUNTS displays all accounts in system

LIST TRANSACTIONS displays all transactions in system
DETAILS displays all details about bank account

BALANCE displays the current balance of bank account

HISTORY displays all transactions involving an account

OUTGOING displays all transactions paid by account

INCOMING displays all transactions received by account

CREATE [] creates a bank account

RENAME renames a bank account
PAY transfers money between account
TRANSACTION displays the transaction details
CANCEL makes a copy of the transaction with receiver/sender swapped
ARCHIVE stores the transaction history as a ledger
RECOVER restores a ledger
MERGE transfers all funds from listed accounts into the first account
MAX displays the highest balance from all accounts
MIN displays the lowest balance from all accounts
MEAN displays the average balance
MEDIAN displays the median balance
TOTAL displays the amount of money stored by bank

Examples (1)

no accounts
no transactions
$ DETAILS 100000
no such account
$ BALANCE 100000
no such account
$ HISTORY 100000
no such account
$ OUTGOING 100000
no such account
$ INCOMING 100000
no such account
$ RENAME 100000 John Smith
no such account
no such transaction

Examples (2)

$ CREATE John Smith
$ CREATE Mary Jane 15000
$ DETAILS 100001
100001 – Mary Jane - $15000
$ BALANCE 100000
$ RENAME 100001 Mary Smith
$ PAY 100000 100001 10
$ PAY 100000 100001 10000
insufficient funds
$ PAY 100000 100000 10000
sender cannot be receiver
$ PAY 100000 100001 -1
amount must be positive
1: 100000 -> 100001 | $10 | 1128448214

Examples (3)

$ CREATE John Smith
$ CREATE Mary Jane 15000
$ PAY 100000 100001 10
$ PAY 100000 100001 20
$ PAY 100001 100000 30
1: 100000 -> 100001 | $10 | 1128448214
2: 100000 -> 100001 | $20 | 919049074
3: 100001 -> 100000 | $30 | 755697066
$ HISTORY 100000
1: 100000 -> 100001 | $10 | 1128448214
2: 100000 -> 100001 | $20 | 919049074
3: 100001 -> 100000 | $30 | 755697066
$ OUTGOING 100000
1: 100000 -> 100001 | $10 | 1128448214
2: 100000 -> 100001 | $20 | 919049074
$ INCOMING 100000
3: 100001 -> 100000 | $30 | 755697066
1: 100000 -> 100001 | $10 | 1128448214
2: 100000 -> 100001 | $20 | 919049074
3: 100001 -> 100000 | $30 | 755697066
4: 100001 -> 100000 | $10 | -1389840415

Examples (4)

$ CREATE John Smith
$ CREATE Mary Jane 15000
$ PAY 100000 100001 10
$ PAY 100000 100001 20
$ PAY 100001 100000 30
1: 100000 -> 100001 | $10 | 1128448214
2: 100000 -> 100001 | $20 | 919049074
3: 100001 -> 100000 | $30 | 755697066
$ ARCHIVE ledger.txt accounts.txt
$ PAY 100001 100000 50
$ CREATE Andrew Perry
$ RECOVER ledger.txt accounts.txt
1: 100000 -> 100001 | $10 | 1128448214
2: 100000 -> 100001 | $20 | 919049074
3: 100001 -> 100000 | $30 | 755697066

Examples (5)

$ RECOVER bad_hash.txt accounts.txt
invalid ledger
$ CREATE John Smith
$ CREATE Amy Adams 0
$ PAY 100000 100001 10000
$ PAY 100001 100000 10
insufficient funds
$ RECOVER bad_ledger.txt accounts.txt
no such file

Examples (6)

$ CREATE John Smith
$ CREATE Mary Jane 15000
$ CREATE Andrew Perry
$ PAY 100000 100001 30
$ MERGE 100000 100001 100002
$ BALANCE 100000

Writing your own testcases

We have provided you with some test cases but these do not test all the functionality described in the assignment. It is important that you thoroughly test your code by writing your own test cases.

You should place all of your test cases in the tests/ directory. Ensure that each test case has the .in input file along with a corresponding .out output file. We require that the names of your test cases are descriptive so that you know what each is testing, e.g. history.in & history.out and we can accurately and quickly assess your test cases. Note: If you do not format your test case files as explained (where each test case has .in and .out files for input and output), you shall receive 0 for this component.

Submission Details

Final deliverable for the correctness and manual inspection will be due on the 10th of April at midnight.

You must submit your code and tests using the assignment page on Ed. To submit, simply place your files and folders into the workspace, click run to check your program works and then click submit.

You are encouraged to submit multiple times, but only your last submission will be considered. 


You will only be given valid inputs as part of the automatic test suite. Your program will be checked for errors that a user can possibly make. In addition, we will mark your program against a substantial collection of hidden test cases.

3 marks are assigned based on automatic tests for the correctness of your program. This component will use hidden test cases that cover every aspect of the specification. Your program must match the exact output in the examples and the test cases on Ed.

3 marks are assigned based on a manual inspection of the style (1 mark) and tests cases (2 marks). Make sure that you carefully follow the assignment specifications and thoroughly test your code, optimising for coverage and testing for a variety of input ranges. Style will be assessed based on the conventions set out in the Google Java Style Guide (https://google.github.io/styleguide/javaguide.html)

Academic declaration

By submitting this assignment you declare the following:

I declare that I have read and understood the University of Sydney Student Plagiarism: Coursework Policy and Procedure, and except where specifically acknowledged, the work contained in this assignment/project is my own work, and has not been copied from other sources or been previously submitted for award or assessment.

I understand that failure to comply with the Student Plagiarism: Coursework Policy and Procedure can lead to severe penalties as outlined under Chapter 8 of the University of Sydney By-Law 1999 (as amended). These penalties may be imposed in cases where any significant portion of my submitted work has been copied without proper acknowledgment from other sources, including published works, the Internet, existing programs, the work of other students, or work previously submitted for other awards or assessments.

I realise that I may be asked to identify those portions of the work contributed by me and required to demonstrate my knowledge of the relevant material by answering oral questions or by undertaking supplementary work, either written or in the laboratory, in order to arrive at the final assessment mark.

I acknowledge that the School of Computer Science, in assessing this assignment, may reproduce it entirely, may provide a copy to another member of faculty, and/or communicate a copy of this assignment to a plagiarism checking service or in-house computer program, and that a copy of the assignment may be maintained by the service or the School of Computer Science for the purpose of future plagiarism checking.