关键词 > CP312

Assignment 4 for CP312


Winter 2020. Deadline: Mar 14th, 11:55 PM
Q1: [Marks 6]
Write python code for finding longest common subsequence from two strings. Name your function LCS. The function does not take any take any parameters and instead reads strings from two files named “string1.txt” and “string2.txt”. The text files only contain the string without any separators or special characters.
The function returns the following as a list:
[<Length of longest subsequence>, <Subsequence>]
The first element of the list is an integer and the second is a string.
The name of the function, files and the format of the returned data MUST be exactly as it is given in the question.
Q2: [Marks 4]
Use greedy algorithm to find a set of researchers who can be given access to a super computer on Monday. The following researchers have applied for the computing time and the goal is to accommodate maximum number of researchers without any other parameter used for prioritization. Show your work clearly and list the selected researchers in a set.

- This is an individual assignment
- Create a folder named: firstname_student#
- Include a pdf document in the above folder containing Question 2. Name your pdf file
- Include a python script named “Assignment4.py” in the folder. Do not submit a full project. We are only expecting a single .py file.
- Create a zip file of the folder named “firstname_student#”. Do not change the file name after creating the zip archive. Please do not upload .rar files, only use .zip file.