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Econ 351: Stata Lab Assignment


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Econ 351: Stata Lab Assignment

Fall 2021


1    Purpose

The goal of this assignment is to continue to develop your skills in Stata (or another statistical program) as well as to gain experience in explaining technical concepts in an accessible way using data.


2    Forming a Group

This assignment will be completed in groups of up to six. You can choose your own groups. Before completing the tasks outlined below, you need to form your group on OnQ. To do this,  go to our OnQ page and click communications, then groups. This will bring you to a list of groups that have been created in OnQ. Coordinate with other members of your group to join the same group number.


3    Tasks

Step 1 - To Prepare:

  Review the past labs/tutorials that I have provided for the course.

  Think about a concept (or two) that you think the course labs did not cover.

  Pick an appropriate dataset for your concept.  I will provide datasets from our text you can use, but

you may also find outside sources.

Step 2 - Rough Draft and Peer Review:

  Complete a rought draft of your lab and submit it by the 1st deadline to the FeedbackFruits link on OnQ. The lab should provide step-by-step instructions of commands in Stata, and relate the results to the theoretical concept(s) you have chosen.

  Next you need to individually provide feedback on two other labs by other groups. To complete your reviews, simply access the same FeedbackFruits link used to submit your rough draft and complete the steps. The feedback form requires your to grade your peers work using the rubric, and provide at least

1 comment per rubric section by the 2nd deadline.

  If you did not hand in a rough draft on time you will not have access to the peer review, and will score

0 on this part of the assessment.

Step 3 - Editing & Feedback:

  After the 2nd deadline passes, you will be given access to reviews of your lab.   With your group, incorporate any useful feedback from your classmates and submit a final draft by the 3rd deadline.

4    Format & Audience


  The title should indicate the topic of the lab.

  You should describe the dataset that is being use.

Your audience is students in Econ 351. You may assume your audience has a basic knowledge of economic relationships, statistics and Stata. You should explain concepts and steps in your lab in an accessible way. I am not your audience (and neither are the TAs).


5    Due Dates & Submission

1st Deadline - 17th November 2021 - Submit the 1st draft of your Lab Assignment to OnQ. Your draft must be complete and written in full sentences (i.e. not a point form outline).

2nd Deadline - 24th November 2021 - Complete three reviews of your classmates’ drafts through Feedback- Fruits.

3rd Deadline - 1st December 2021 - Submit the final draft of your Lab Assignment.  Final draft should be submitted to OnQ. No late abstracts are accepted.


6    Evaluation

In total, this assignment is worth 10% of your semester mark, which can be broken down as follows:

  Step 2: Rough Draft and Peer Review - worth 15% of this Lab Assignment.

  Step 3: Final Copy - worth 85% of the Lab Assignment.

The rough draft and peer review will be evaluated on:

  Handing in rough draft on time (worth 20% of rough draft/peer review mark).

  Completing feedback (40%).

  Writing at least four review comments (40%).

The final draft of your lab will be evaluated on:

  Choice and explanation of concept (worth 25% of final copy mark).

  How well you use the data to demonstrate the concept you chose (25%).

  The structure of your lab (25%).

  The clarity and conciseness of your lab (25%).

For writing assignments, letter grades are preferable to numeric grades (0-100%), as it is impossible to discrim- inate that finely. But since we must integrate your grade on this assignment with your other numerical scores, the final copy of your lab will be converted to a numerical score based on the marks you earn on each category of the rubric. You can access the rubric for this assignment on OnQ (the same place where this document is located).