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IS6125/IS6145/IS6155: Database Analysis and Design


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Database Analysis and Design

Assignment 2

Title: A Specification Document + Oracle Apex Database

The goal of this project is for you to end up with a clear and detailed specification document (and any supporting files), which could then be handed to a Software Developer, in order for them to translate it into a working piece of software (Mobile App or Website). Marks will be gained for increased clarity, consistency and detail, likewise marks may be lost for lack of clarity and too much ambiguity.

Project Deliverables:

1. Propose a Mobile App/Website idea within the healthcare sector. It doesn’t need to be majorly complicated but does need to do at least one thing well. Describe this App/Website in maximum 600 words. The main focus here is to detail what exactly the app will do (e.g. problem domain, functionality, features, business value, target market).

2. From your above description, sketch out the main screens (User Interfaces) of your App/Website. Between min 7 to max 10 screens are required. Either use pen and paper or using MS Visio or similar tools. Once you are happy with the screens either take a photo of the sketch (if using pen and paper) or save the diagrams you create in MS Visio.

3. From your description create 3‐4 user stories (per screen) for your App/Website.

4. Develop a data model/ERD for proposed App/Website.

5. Translate your ERD into a database through Oracle Apex. Build tables, fields (attributes) and relationships and ensure to give the fields the correct data type. The database must contain 8 query objects and 6 form objects. You may use each query as a basis for a form if you wish. Your forms must be a representation of your screen layouts i.e. one screen mock-up for an individual form. Create a at max a one minute video (screen capture only) for each form and show it working. Save each of your SQL files and attach them to your zip file submission.

Once all of the above sections (1-5) are complete, put them into a single document (e.g. MS Word). Then convert this file into an Adobe PDF document. Add any diagrams/sketches/SQL files etc into a folder and ZIP/compress the folder. Therefore, you will submit two items:

1) Adobe PDF document (project specification).

2) Zip/Compress file containing all of your supporting files (e.g. MS Visio project file, SQL files etc).

Upload your PDF and zip file (containing all documents/files) onto Canvas, under IS6125, on or before 4pm on the 3rd of December 2021. The key in this assignment is to communicate what your app/website will do via the various deliverables. You don’t need to worry how the technology would work if it were a real system.

Examples that will assist you with your assignment:

1. Examples of Screen Sketches/Designs: https://onextrapixel.com/ some of these are too complex for this assignment but you can take elements/ideas from them. Balsamiq is a great tool for building screens (Wireframing) if you don’t like sketching: https://balsamiq.com

2. Examples of Data Model/ER, See Lecture Slides on Canvas.

3. The tutors will go through translating ERDs into an Oracle Apex database in upcoming tutorials.

Required Format:

- All external sources of information must be referenced (Harvard referencing style)

- Font - Times New Roman size 12

- Spacing - 1.15

Cover page to include the following:

• Report Title

• Student Name(s)

• Student Number(s)

• Degree Code

• Module Code

• Lecturer Name

Marking Scheme:

Very clear and logical proposal         10%

A collection of sketches of the app/website screens which support the proposal      10%

Supporting user stories to support the app/website screens        10%

Well-structured ERDs which match up well with the proposal          30%

A working Oracle Apex database based on ERD model            40%