关键词 > COMSW4111

COMS W4111: Introduction to Databases Spring 2020 − Sections 002, H02, V02 Homework 2: Common to Both Tracks



  • This notebook is the template for the common material for both tracks for homework 2.
  • Your submission format is a zip file containing this notebook and embedded images.
  • You must name your file uni_W4111_s20_hw2_common.zip.
  • strongly suggest that you verify that your uploaded zip file is correct.
  • There are cells for entering your answers and instructions for what to enter.

Relational Algebra


  1. You will use an on-line relational algebra calculator (https://dbis-uibk.github.io/relax/calc.htm) to write and test your answers.

  2. You can find the data for testing your expressions in the GitHub repository for the homework.(https://github.com/donald-f-ferguson/W4111HW2/blob/master/Data/book_tables.gist).
    • This is the data from the sample database for the new textbook for the course.
    • When on the calculator web page. You should choose to create a new dataset.
      • Click on the pull down button in the upper left hand corner.
      • Choose to create a new dataset.
      • Cut and paste all of the text from the testing data file into the window and click preview.
      • Scroll down to the bottom and click "Use in Group Editor."
      • Scroll back to the top and click "Relational Algebra."
      • You can now start entering relational algebra expressions.
    • For each question and relational algebra expression:
      • Copy and paste your expression into the provided markdown cell.
      • Take a screen capture of the result of evaluating the expression. Copy and paste the image into the markdown cell.
      • There is an example below.

  3. You will also write SQL queries using the database for the new book. Previous lectures have explained how to install the database.

  4. Row order in result tables does not matter unless specified.
In [2]:
The sql extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext sql
'Connected: root@newbook'


Example Question:


  • Produce the follow table. The information comes from course, department, teaches, instructor.