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Lab 3B: Numerical Integration


Lab 3B: Numerical Integration
Due: Sunday March 12 th at 11:59PM
In this lab you will be exploring the trapezoid rule for numerical integration. In the first part of this lab you will explore the convergence properties of the trapezoid rule. In the second part you will explore an application of numerical integration.
Trapezoid Rule
As you have seen in Lab 3A and the midterm, the trapezoid rule for integrating a function f(x)
with n sub-intervals between a and b of width h = (b − a)/n is defined as
T n = h

f(x k )
where x k = a + kh. Let the exact value of the integral be denoted
I =

f(x)dx . (2)
We know the error in the trapezoid rule is given by
|I − T n | ≤
(b − a) 3
12n 2
K (3)
K = max
|f ′′ (x)| . (4)
Part 1: Exponentially Convergent Trapezoidal Rule
For many integrals, the error formula in equation (3) provides a close bound for the actual error.
Some periodic integrals converge much faster than the error formula for the trapezoid rule. In this problem you will be exploring a few such integrals. See [1] for an overview of the theory as well as several examples. See [2] for a more advanced discussion.
Problem 1
Consider the integral from your midterm
I =

arctan(x)dx =
π − 2ln2
. (5)
Lab 3B: Numerical Integration 2
Show that the convergence rate of the forward error for this integral using the trapezoid rule is the same as the convergence rate of the error formula (equation (3)) for the trapezoid rule. In your report you should discuss how you know they have the same convergence rate. Use tables, plots, 3D printed figures, holograms, etc. to convince the marker that you understand why the convergence rates are equal.
Problem 2
Consider the integral
I =

sin 3 (x/2)dx (6)
Show that the convergence rate of this integral is O(n −4 ) and not O(n −2 ) as in equation (3).
Problem 3
Consider the integral
I =

e cosx dx = 2πI 0 (1) (7)
where I 0 (1) is the modified Bessel function of the first kind with ν = 0 at x = 1. This can be evaluated in Matlab as besseli(0,1) . Show that the convergence rate of this integral is much faster than the error formula. Again, in your report your should provide a convincing discussion on how you know the convergence rate is faster.
Why does the forward error for this integral never do better than about 10 −15 ?
Part 2: Quadrature on Your Wrist
On a beautiful summer day your TA, Steven, was riding his Cervélo R5 road bike along the bike paths in London 1 . Attached to the rear wheel of his bike is a sensor that can record how fast the wheel is turning. This sensor wirelessly connects to Steven’s Garmin Forerunner 620 watch (Steven likes running as well). Without requiring any connection to GPS or the internet, Steven’s watch is able to accurately record the total distance biked by numerically integrating the data from the sensor attached to the rear wheel.
In this part of the lab you will be integrating the raw data from Steven’s bike ride to estimate the total distance he travelled. The sensor that records the rate the rear wheel is turning does not record data points in equal time intervals. For example, if the wheel is not turning (ex. stoped at a red light, ran into a Canadian goose on the path, etc.) the sensor will not record any points. The Bike_Speed_Data.csv file on OWL contains the raw data. This file has two columns (you can open it with Excel to get an idea of what is in it). The first column is the rate at which the rear wheel is turning in revolutions per minute (RPM), and the second column is the time (in seconds) since the beginning of the ride.
1 If you have never explored London’s bike path I highly recommend it, see https://www.london.ca/residents/ Roads-Transportation/Transportation-Choices/Documents/2013_Bike_Map_E.pdf for a map. The yellow lines are the paved path.
Lab 3B: Numerical Integration 3
Because the trapezoid rule works with equally-spaced points, we must interpolate the raw data to get points at equally-spaced time intervals. You will use cubic spline interpolation for this.
When using the trapezoid rule you may write your own trapezoid rule function from scratch, or modify the trapezoid rule code given on the midterm. You may not use the trapz function in Matlab.
You can load the data into Matlab using the csvread function.
M = csvread('Bike_Speed_Data.csv', 1 , 0 );
t = M(:, 1 ); % t is the time (in seconds) since the beginning of the ride
r = M(:, 2 ); % r is the wheels rotation in RPM
Complete the following questions and comment on the results and the procedure used in your report.
1. Make a plot of the velocity (in m/s) vs. the time (in seconds) since the start of the ride. You will have to convert the wheel rotation data into m/s. The diameter of the wheel is 670mm.
2. Using cubic spline interpolation, interpolate the raw data for every second along the ride.
You can use the spline function in Matlab for this. Do not use barycentric interpolation.
3. Integrate the interpolated data using the trapezoid rule to estimate the total distance Steven biked.
4. The bike paths in London have a speed limit of 20 km/h. What is the total distance that Steven exceeded this speed?
5. Who would win in a bike race, you or Steven? Why?
Submission Requirements
All files should be submitted on OWL on the Lab 3B submission. Submit all files needed to reproduce the results you found in the lab.
Your report should provide a discussion of how you solved the problems and your interpretation of the results. Your discussion should be able to convince the marker that you have a thorough understanding of the problems and results.
[1] J. A. C. Weideman. Numerical integration of periodic functions: A few examples. The American mathematical monthly, 109(1):21–36, 2002.
[2] Lloyd N Trefethen and JAC Weideman. The exponentially convergent trapezoidal rule. SIAM Review, 56(3):385–458, 2014.