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Establishing powerful personal development objectives


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Establishing powerful personal development objectives

Powerful personal development objectives will demonstrate characteristics described by the term SMARTER. Use the questions and points below to reflect on your emerging personal development objectives.



Objectives should specify what they need to achieve, focussed on achieving an outcome.

· WHAT do I need to do and how can I achieve this? Use strong, action verbs such as conduct, develop, build, plan, execute, etc. This helps your objective to be action-orientated and focuses on what’s most important.

· WHY is this important for me?

· WHO is going to do what? Who else need to be involved?

· WHEN do I want this to be completed?

· HOW am I going to do this?



You should be able to measure whether you are meeting the objectives or not.

What measures will I use to review progress and recognise success? Are these tangible and quantifiable?

· Is it clear where this will happen?

· Is it clear what needs to happen?

· How will I know that the change has occurred?

· How can I measure my progress?



Is the objective achievable and attainable in the context of both your working and personal life? In light of any resource constraints?  What barriers may you face and how can these be overcome?

· Can this be achieved in the proposed timeframe?

· Do I understand the limitations and constraints?

· Can I do this with the resources I have?

· Is this possible?


Relevant, realistic and resourced

Relevant: how will this objective help you to progress?

Can you realistically achieve the objectives with the resources available?

What resources are needed? (Time, costs, support etc)

· Do you have the resources to achieve this objective?

· Do I need to revisit priorities in my life to make this happen?

· Is it possible to achieve this objective?



When do you want to achieve this by?

· When will this objective be started, accomplished?

· Is the deadline defined?


Extending and exciting

Will the objective stretch and excite you?  If you are engaged with the goal, you are more likely to succeed.

Why is this important to me?

What am I looking forward to undertaking?


Rewarding and recorded

What will result from completing the goal?

Recording your gaol increases the chance of completion and success and serves as a record for later review.

How will my life be better or different because of taking this action?