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AIS and Accounting Analytics Summer 2024


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AIS and Accounting Analytics

Summer 2024

Section OL1 CRN   81174

Materials and Communications:

1. Various files and other materials available in Canvas or our ACTG 335 Summer 2024 Google Drive Folder  You’ll need to log into your PSU account to access the files in Drive.

2. Some content will be delivered via your @pdx.edu email.  If you do not check this address regularly, forward messages with 335 in the subject line to an address you do check so you don’t miss important information.

3. I may use the Announcements feature in Canvas. To be notified when an announcement is made, open Canvas, click on your image, choose Notifications from the menu, and set up notifications by text and/or email.

4. Optional: there will be many times during the course where you’ll want two or even three screens open. A phone or tablet works OK for reading, but for working on assignments, it’s helpful to have a second monitor. Working on side-by-side computers in one of the PSU computer labs is an option. A second monitor is another. If you’re tight on work space, a portable monitor might be useful. I recently purchased one for ~$100 and I’m liking it. https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-portable-monitor/

5. Required textbook 1: Accounting Information Systems, Version 1.0 2022, Raschke and Schatzel, FlatWorld

6. Required textbook 2: Data Analytics Using Excel Microsoft 365, Version 3.0 2022, Manzo, FlatWorld

This book works for Excel 365 and Excel 2019. Mac users can find helpful information in Appendices A-D or can use the virtual lab. Please see the Computer Use section below.


You can purchase these ebooks at the bookstore or from the publisher. The links below give you a discount. You’ll need to use your @pdx.edu email when you create your account. If you normally work somewhere where you have internet access, you can use the cheapest versions—the Online Access option. If not, the downloadable versions might be preferable.

The Excel book has lengthy lists of instructions to follow, which can be difficult, especially if you have only one screen. You may prefer a print version for the Excel text.


Here are the links to purchase the books:

AIS PSU Discount Link
Data Analytics PSU Discount Link

Learning Objectives

This course will help you develop business acumen by using critical thinking and analytical skills to improve business processes and outcomes. The new CPA Evolution goals place an increased emphasis on understanding business systems and managing and analyzing data. Each of the assignments contributes toward achieving those goals.

After completing the course, you should be able to:

1. Analyze information flows in an organization and develop conceptual models of organizational relationships

2. Implement conceptual models of information systems using software tools

3. Develop support for business decisions by employing appropriate model building, analytical, and visualization techniques

Computer Use and Mac computers

This course works best for students with up-to-date Windows-capable computers and internet access at home, or flexible schedules that accommodate work in the PSU computer labs. Some Excel features and some software we use doesn’t run on Macs but can be accessed using the School of Business virtual computer lab at vlab.pdx.edu.  The vlab can be slow, especially during peak hours, including Sunday afternoons and evenings, so please plan accordingly. If you have any questions, issues, or concerns please let me know. The School of Business has a loaner laptop program, and the Library has a laptop borrowing program as well. They come with the Windows version of Excel, which we’ll be heavily using this term.

Course Sites and Privacy

Links to instructional materials and assignments can be found at canvas.pdx.edu. Our Canvas course shell combines all sections of ACTG 335, so students who are not in your section will be able to see the same information about you that your section classmates see. Our Discord server also combines all sections, so any information you post there will be visible to all Fall ACTG 335 students.

Consider information shared by 335 students via Canvas, Discord, or Google Drive to be private. Do not share classmates’ posts, assignments, and other work beyond this course without express permission.


I’ll communicate with you in two main ways. Weekly to do lists and course materials will be available in Canvas at canvas.pdx.edu, and I’ll make major announcements there. For informal communication, including answering questions about homework, fixing small mistakes, or clarifying instructions, we’ll use the ACTG 335 Spring 24 Discord server

If you have a private question or concern that applies only to you, please email me at [email protected] and put 335 in the subject line to ensure that I see your message. If I don’t respond within a day or two, please re-send. Please use your PSU email rather than Canvas mail.

If I need to email you directly, I will use your @pdx.edu address. If you don’t check your PSU mail regularly, please auto-forward messages to your preferred account.


You are welcome to collaborate with classmates on homework and projects unless specified in the assignment. Make sure that each student completes and submits their own work. Duplicated or slightly modified assignments are not acceptable, and submitting copied work will be considered to be academic dishonesty. If I suspect that a student is submitting someone else’s work, I will refer the case to the disciplinary committee.


Students agree that by taking this course all required papers may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to Turnitin.com for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the Turnitin.com reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. Use of Turnitin.com page service is subject to the Usage Policy and Privacy Pledge posted on the Turnitin.com site.


Normally, for every hour in class, a student is expected to study 2-3 hours outside of class for a total of 12-16 hours per week. Because the summer term is condensed, plan for 16-22 hours per week.  Project and computer snags are unpredictable and can cause you to exceed these time guidelines some weeks. Please plan ahead and consider rescheduling the course if you are not able to commit to this workload in this term.

Late Work

Assignments and projects are to be submitted by the time posted on Canvas, which will typically be at 10:00 pm each Sunday. Please plan ahead so that last-minute computer glitches, lab shut-downs, personal emergencies, etc. don’t stop you from completing your work on time. There is a 10% per day penalty for late work, so you’ll benefit by staying on schedule. Please make an appointment with me if you need to adjust a specific deadline.


The SB strictly enforces prerequisites for business courses. If a student completes a course before completing the prerequisites and later completes the prerequisites, he/she will NOT receive any credit for the prerequisites. The prerequisites for this course are BA 213 (decision making with accounting information) and BA 325 (competing with information technology).  

Pronoun etiquette

I use she/her pronouns and want to make sure to use the preferred names and pronouns for all students.  Please let me know if I make a mistake or if you have any concerns.


This class requires a lot of independent work on readings, homework, and projects—much of it computer-based—every week throughout the term.  For much of the work in this class, your grade will depend more on the level of effort you put in than on accuracy. You’ll get out of this class what you put in, both in learning and in grades. Percentage breakdowns for course assignments are as follows:

Homework assignments     62.5%  (5 x 12.5%)

Analytics project   25%

AIS project          12.5%


A 93-100%              B+ 88-89.9%                    C+ 78-79.9%                    D 60-69.9%

A- 90-92.9%             B 83-87.9%                      C 73-77.9%                       F 0-59.9%

                              B- 80-82.9%                     C- 70-72.9%

Important due dates

Detailed requirements and complete schedule of due dates will be provided in the To Do Lists in the weekly Modules in Canvas.

Week & due date

Assignment Due - HW due Sunday 10pm

Week 1    6/30

Homework 1

Week 2    7/7

Homework 2

Week 3   7/14

Homework 3

Week 4   7/21

Homework 4

Week 5   7/28

Homework 5

Week 6   

Begin analytics project

Week 7   8/10

Complete analytics project due SATURDAY 10pm

Week 8   8/16

AIS project due FRIDAY 10pm

Late work 

Late work will automatically receive a 10% penalty per day. There are 5 homework assignments worth 12.5% each. You’ll complete all of them, but you can drop your lowest score. I don’t extend deadlines for these assignments unless there is an emergency that will affect multiple weeks. Please contact me as early as possible if your personal circumstances are sufficiently serious that you need an extended deadline on one of the other projects. Save any documentation that can verify these circumstances.

Please don’t ask me to extend deadlines because your work, school, or home demands were such that you just ran out of time. This isn’t fair to other students who received late penalties or took extreme measures to complete their work before the deadline.

Academic advising

The School of Business Administration provides Career & Academic Advisors to assist students in making the most of their collegiate experience. Career & Academic Advisors are trained to provide counsel in a wide range of issues. From selecting a business major and planning out classes to creating a job search strategy and writing resumes, Career & Academic Advisors are here to help students with all of their academic & career related questions. Business students are assigned an academic & career advisor who will assist them from orientation to graduation.

All SBA advisors are available by appointment, which must be scheduled in advance. Students can make an academic & career advising appointment throughout the year by visiting or calling 503-725-3712. Drop-in peer advising hours are available as well. Drop-in hours are held regularly throughout the week and are designed to help answer routine or simple questions.  For more information about SBA advising and drop-in hours, please visit the School of Business website at www.pdx.edu/sba and click on Undergraduate, then Student Resources.  

Students with concerns about courses or the advising services provided by the Undergraduate Programs Office can contact the Director of the Undergraduate Programs Office via email at [email protected]

The Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs oversees the execution of all undergraduate degrees and certificates in the School of Business. Appointments are available for students with confidential/sensitive issues related to their studies at Portland State. Please visit the front desk staff in the Deans’ suite.