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DSCI 551 – HW5


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DSCI 551 – HW5

(Hadoop and Spark) (Fall 2021)

100 points, Due 11/28, Sunday


Download solution.json, hw5_grade.py, run.sh from blackboard and put it under your homework folder and submit them along with your homework.

Run “chmod 707 run.sh”

This give you a chance to test your answer with TA’s grading script.

1. [50 points] Write a Hadoop MapReduce SQL2MR.java to implement the following SQL query in Hadoop MapReduce on the film table (from Sakila) stored in multiple CSV files: film1.csv and film2.csv. To learn how to compile and run your java file in Hadoop, please refer to the WordCount tutorial. Your program does not need to use a combiner. However, you should think about how to implement one (e.g., being able to write pseudocode describing the input, output, and logic of combiner and related reducer).

SELECT rating, avg(rental_rate)

FROM film

where length >= 60 group by rating

having count(*) >= 160

Note that each line in the csv file has four values: film_id, rental_rate, length, and rating. For example:









Execution format:

hadoop jar hw5.jar SQL2MR input output

where input is a directory storing all the CSV files and output is the directory for storing output from your mapreduce program. Two sample CSV files are provided but note that your program may be tested using additional files with the same format.


· SQL2MR.java

· hw5.jar

· q1_screenshot.png: A screenshot showing the output of your program on EC2. For example (from WordCount), name it “q1.png”:

For question 2 and 3 below, you will be using three csv files: film.csv, actor.csv, and film_actor.csv as input. Note that each of these files contains the complete information for the corresponding table (i.e. data are NOT split into multiple files like in question 1). Note also that the files have headers in the first line.

2. [20 points, Spark DataFrame] Write a Spark script using Spark DataFrame functions for each of the following questions. 5 points each question.

Execution format: python3 q2_x.py Name all your files q2_x.py

Any typo in column name and order will result in loss of ALL POINT

a) Find out how many films are rated as either 'PG' or ‘PG-13’, use ‘.show()’ to output your result, your columns’ name and order should look EXACTLY like:


b) Find first and last name of actors who have played in the film 'ANONYMOUS HUMAN’, use ‘.show()’ to output your result, your columns’ name and order should look EXACTLY like:


c) Find name of actor who has played in the most number of films, use ‘.show()’ to output your result, your columns’ name and order should look EXACTLY like:


d) Find answer to the SQL query in Question 1: SELECT rating, avg(rental_rate)

FROM film

where length >= 60 group by rating

having count(*) >= 160

use ‘.show()’ to output your result, and round ‘avg_rate’ to 2 decimal with pyspark.sql.functions.round (aka. fc.round)

your columns’ name and order should look EXACTLY like:


3. [30 points, Spark RDD]

For each of the subquestion in Question 2 above, write a Spark script using Spark RDD API functions to answer the question. 7.5 points each question.

Execution format: python3 q3_x.py Name all your files q3_x.py

a) output your result with the following template: for count in res:


b) output your result with the following template: for first, last in res:

print(first, last)

c) output your result with the following template: for first, last in res:

print(first, last)

d) output your result with the following template (round average to 2 decimal with the template):

for rating, avg in res:

print(rating, "{:.2f}".format(avg))


1. Put all files in the same directory and compress it into a zip file. Zip file name format: LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_HW5.zip

Make sure when the file is unzipped, the folder name is LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_HW5

2. Your submission folder should contain 19 files and look EXACTLY like, each extra file (-2 pts)

Please understand how TA will run your python scripts for q2 and q3. The TAs will simply run:


Once done, your folder will look EXACTLY like:

Aser all “.res” files are generated, we will run python3 hw5_grade.py

Your folder will look EXACTLY like:

Aser running this command, a score.res file will be generated.

If your column name or order are incorrect, points will be deducted as mentioned before.

You can test your files with the given grading script before you submit them, but please make sure to delete all the .res files before compressing the folder and making your submission.

If you change a single byte in hw5_grade.py, run.sh or solution.json, 50 pts will be deducted.