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COMP1521 21T3 — Course Review, Final Exam


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COMP1521 21T3 — Course Review, Final Exam


At the end of COMP1521, we hope that you …

can think like a systems programmer,

with an understanding of the structure of computer systems;

can describe how computers/programs work at a low-level, with a deep understanding of run-time behaviour; and

are better able to reason about and debug your C programs Major themes …

software components of modern computer systems how C programs execute (at the machine level) how to write (MIPS) assembly language Unix/Linux system-level programming

how operating systems are structured

introduction to concurrency, concurrent programming


bit-level operations

representation of integers & doubles the basic components of a (MIPS) CPU

representation of programs as (MIPS) machine code how to write programs in (MIPS) assembler

how C programs are implemented as (MIPS) instructions systems programming, including:

file operations processes

representation of characters as Unicode introduction to virtual memory introduction to threads/concurrency



15% Labs

10% Weekly Programming Tests 15% Assignment 1 — due week uhhhh 15% Assignment 2 — due week 10

45% Final Exam

… above marks may be scaled to ensure an appropriate distribution.

To pass, you must:

score 50/100 overall

score 18/45 on final exam

For example … 55/100 overall, 17/45 on final exam

55 UF

not 55 PS



Labs, in weeks 1-5,7-10:

max lab mark: 2 marks with challenge exercises max lab mark ~1.6 marks without challenge exercises labs marks summed and capped to give mark /15.

you can get 99% for lab mark without challenge exercises expectation: most people will get 12+/15

Tests, in weeks 8…10:

max test mark 1.7

best 6 of 8 test marks summed and capped to give mark /10. expectation: most people will get 7+/10





The 21T2 COMP1521 Final Exam is available at:


You can complete it as a practice exam. Autotests available. Sample answers released Friday 26th November, 12:00pm 21T3 exam will use a format similar for at least some questions.



Exam will be Monday 29 November 2021, 14:00 — 17:00

Exam will be released on class web site at 13:50, allowing you some time to read the paper. You will be emailed a link just before 13:50

Announcements before and during exam will be sent to your UNSW email. Questions during exam can be sent to [email protected] You will not be able to ask question in the class forum

We will place copies of emailed announcements in the class forum

as an alternative for students whose email is not working

Should look a lot like a weekly test…

except three hours long, and with slightly relaxed conditions.


During the exam…

you must not communicate with anyone via any medium, except for COMP1521 staff; you must not get help from anyone during this exam, except for COMP1521 staff; you must not use code-synthesis tools;

you must not communicate your exam answers to any other person, even after the end of the exam.

This is an open-book examination:

you may use your papers or books; you may refer to the course website. You may not create or modify materials on the Internet.

UNSW has exam prep materials about open-book examinations — student.unsw.edu.au/open-book-and-take-home-exams

Deliberate violation of exam conditions will be treated as serious misconduct.



8-15 questions … not of equal difficulty, not worth equal marks. Each question answered in a separate file.

Some questions may involve writing programs …

some questions may ask you to write C; some questions may ask you to write MIPS;

other languages not permitted (e.g., Python, C++, Java, Rust, …)

Some questions may not involve coding …

some questions may ask for a short answer, similar to tutorial questions.

Answers will be submitted with give.




For questions that require you to write C or MIPS … Questions will usually include examples.

You may, or may not, be given starting code, test data, or other files.

Autotests may be available on submission for some questions. Passing autotests does not guarantee any marks; do your own testing. There may be no submission tests for some questions.

It is not sufficient to match any supplied examples.


Answers will be run through automatic marking software.

Please follow the input/output format shown exactly. Please make your program behave exactly as specified.

All answers are hand marked, guided by automarking.

no marks awarded for style or comments …

but a human marker will be reading your program. comments only necessary to tell the marker something.

Minor errors will result in only a small penalty.

e.g., an answer correct except for a missing semi-colon would receive almost full marks.

No marks will given unless an answer has a substantial part of a solution (> 33%). No marks just for starting a question and writing some code.




Answers must be an specified file, e.g. q1.txt

Question may specify format of file:

e.g., 5 integers, one per line … follow this format exactly

Question will give you an initial file to complete. Submit completed file with give.



Any extra time specified in your ELS exam conditions is allowed in this exam. All students see the same exam question text.

The text shows the standard exam deadline, any extra time is additional to it.

give configured to know about extra time …

should show a deadline that includes your extra time

email [email protected] immediately during exam if you have concerns regarding ELS conditions

If ELS conditions prevent you taking exam, let us know. Likely outcome: supp in January.





About 30 students have morning exams.

UNSW policy is that you may be required to take two exams in one day. Three students have an all-day INFS1602 exams

Exams have advised this is not considered a clash and special consideration will not be offered. Otherwise there are no clashes that exams arec aware of.





If a problem occurs during the exam, e.g., internet failure:

Please document the problem as much as possible; e.g., take screenshots email [email protected]

If the problem is of short duration, we may be able to give you extra time. Otherwise, you will need to apply for special consideration




This exam is covered by UNSW’s Fit-to-Sit policy.

By starting the exam, you are saying “I am well enough to sit it.”

If you are unwell before the exam:

see a doctor, apply for Special Consideration.

If you become unwell during the exam:

email [email protected].

If you cannot continue the exam, you will need to see a doctor, and apply for Special Consideration.



Important Areas to Focus Your Study On… anything covered in a standard lab exercise anything covered in a weekly test anything covered by the assignments

Less Important Areas

challenge lab exercises

topics not covered in labs, tests or assignments may still be questions on these topic but not many

Even Less Important Areas

complex aspects of creating processes creating and manipulating pipes complex signal handling

mutexes, semaphores

(might or might not be a question on these)




Marking will take time — likely 10-12 days.

When marking is complete, exam marks will be available via class marks database. I’ll send email announcing this.

You will receive marks for individual exam questions.

You will have an opportunity to have your marking reviewed. Final results will appear on myUNSW.

T3 Release of Results: Thursday 16th December.




If you miss the original exam due to illness/misadventure,

you may be eligible for a supplementary exam; apply for special consideration. Schools and individual courses cannot offer supps.

Students with borderline results are not offered supps. (… except potential graduands.)

Similar format to final exam

Supp exams centrally timetabled for 10-14th January


One aim of COMP1521 is to give a taste of many topics:

liked MIPS, Assembly?

COMP3222, COMP3211 …

curious about programming languages? COMP3131, COMP3141, COMP3161, …


COMP3231/3891, COMP9242, …

liked concurrency?

COMP3151, COMP3153, COMP6721, …



liked communicating between processes?

COMP3331, …



COMP1531: Software Engineering Fundamentals

22T1, 22T2, 22T3, …

COMP2511: Object-oriented Programming

22T2, 22T3, …

COMP2521: Data Structures and Algorithms

22T1, 22T2, 22T3, …

COMP3231: Operating Systems COMP3891: Extended Operating Systems






Not enough time to cover so many things…! Tuts and Labs need to integrate better.

Labs: a lot of work, but you learnt a lot Assignments: a lot of work, but you learnt a lot

MIPS and its relation to C needs to be better explained





Many lab exercises and test questions … do you agree? Tutors and teaching staff

Discourse as a course forum Students