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CSE 411: Project 2


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CSE 411: Project 2

Including Memory Reclamation in Synchrobench’s Lazy Linked-List Due date: Friday October 29 (Groups of max 2)


• Download Synchrobench from the following link, and follow the instructions to setup and run it: https://github.com/gramoli/synchrobench


• Part 1:


– Check the lazy-list C code and make sure you understand it well.

– Make a code review and report your notes on:

• Readability of code and documentation.

• Potential needs for code refactoring (either in the lazy list code or in Synchrobench in general).

• Potential thread safety issues.


• Part 2:

– This part is to assess performance and correctness consequences of reclaiming memory unsafely.

• Modify lazy-list so that a remove operation reclaims the node’s memory (using delete – no object pooling) right after physically deleting it.

• Compare the performance of this unsafe version with the original

implementation (without reclamation) in different workloads. Show your results in the report.

• Build an artificial scenario (using delays and deterministic operations for example) that clarifies how this unsafe implementation can raise run-time errors. Explain the scenario and its results in the report.

• Part 3:

– It is now the time to build a correct reclamation approach. You should implement and compare the two approaches discussed in lectures (show your results in the report):

• C++ smart pointers

• Epoch-Based Reclamation

– Extra credits (up to 15% of the total grade) will be given to any optimizations on top of the base-line approaches discussed in lectures, as well as any other

investigated (and implemented/compared) reclamation technique.