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HTML & CSS - Website Task ‘The Choc Shop’


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HTML & CSS - Website Task ‘The Choc Shop’

You have been asked to design a Web Site for a shop called:

“The Choc Shop”

The shop is a new venture and is run by the owners Dave and Carol Barnes.

They would like the site to appeal to their existing and potential customers. The site should advertise their existing products of which they have given you images to use.

The shop needs you to design a header of the shop name and add a logo to the site.

They would like you to use the colours of chocolate where possible but understand that readability is the most important issue

The site should have a home page showing the history and some of the products and two more pages, Contact and Tasting. You are supplied the text for all pages below

Easter Animation

The Barnes would also like you to create an “Easter Promotion” in Animate. The animation should promote their “20% discount on all Easter eggs”. They would like the animation to be on the home page of the website.

Visual Diary

Keep a visual diary by print screening and adding your progress report to a Word document as you work through the student workbook. This document should show and justify all the decisions you make. It will be used to assess your overall grade.

You must ensure that your site is tested for spelling (shift+F7), has valid code AND previews in at least two browsers.

You will need to submit a sketched layout plan before you begin work on the site. This should be completed for homework

Answer the questions below to create a simple brief

Who is your client?

Who is the target audience?

What is to be created and why?

What specifications have you been given?

· Three Pages minimum

· Choose Colours? https://www.canva.com/colors/color-wheel/ Choose two colours then create a Graphic. Screenshot.

· Choose Fonts? https://wordmark.it/ - type in a word, then shows suitable fonts

· Select and edit images in Photoshop

What testing is to be done?

For homework sketch the proposed layout of your site showing fonts, buttons, images, layout and colours to be used. It would also be a good practice to sketch the logo you will use for the header.

The text for the site is given below – there are images in the images folder

Page 1 - Home

The Choc Shop opened in 1950’s we have grown into a World supplier of qualitty chocolate throughout the world.

We have 6 Shoppes openedd at present in New Zealand and branching out to stores in Edinburgh, Paris and New York.

We supply chocolates for all occasions and events. A corporate package includes wide varieties of our best range of flavours andf full melt in your mouth, luxury flavours guarantee delight to the senses.

We hope you enjoy your visit to our Shoppe you can order by Phone, on our Website or come in and visit.

Page 2 - Tasting

Tasting chocolate is a special art and one to enjoy with others. Chocolates from White to Dark, offers the perfect opportunity for a chocolate tasting party. It's a great way to have your friends experience the different aromas, textures and flavours.

Here are a few suggestions on how to heighten your chocolate tasting experience beforehand…

Ensure your chocolate is at room temperature

Put out some jugs of water and glasses

Prepare some score/comment cards

Limit yourself to around six different chocolate varieties. Allow roughly two squares per person. Any more will give you tasting fatigue.

Start with the lightest variety (White) and finish with the darkest


Look at the appearance of the chocolate as chocolates vary in colour from rich reds and coppers to dark browns. This is not a sign of quality and a common myth that the darker chocolate is somehow a better chocolate is certainly not the case.
The chocolate should have a smooth gloss and not be dull or gray.


Chocolate should be smooth not gritty or greasy to the touch