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MN7029 Financial Decision Making Assessment 2


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MN7029 Assessment 2

The assessment consists of

The written PowerPoint document answering the questions and containing your calculations in the body of the document or Appendices

You may want to use more than one slide to explain a particular aspect.

Please feel free to use pictures, graphs or other illustrations to explain your point

a) Title

b) Name

c) Student number

d) Executive Summary

e) Introduction-Content Page

f) Calculation of WACC and explanation (Detailed calculations should be included as an appendix)

a) Projected cash flow statement

b) Calculation of NPV and Payback period using the WACC Calculation should here or appendix

c) Calculation of NPV using a 20% Cost of Capital Calculation should be here or in appendix

d) Your decision regarding proceeding with the project and justification. (Calculation should be here or in appendix)

e) Critical evaluation of 4 main capital investment appraisal techniques

f) Types of Finance available

g) Conclusion

h) Appendix 1 Detailed calculations or further information. Include any additional information that might be helpful. E.g. back up to financial projections or calculations.

i) Any other additional slides you wish to include

j) In text citations

k) Harvard Referencing.