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EEET 4057 Power System Fundamentals SP2 2024 Assignment 2


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EEET 4057

Power System Fundamentals

SP2 2024

Assignment 2

Problem 1

Marks 60

For the following 5-bus system in Fig. 1 consider all values are given in per unit on a 300 MVA base. Note that the tap-changer is connected to bus 5. Set the tap changer to a position of 0.9999 pu.


a.       State the power flow problem for the system in Fig. 1.                                                2

b.      Explain the solution procedure of the power flow problem using Gauss-                    3

Seidel method.

d.      Draw a flow-chart for the algorithm in step c.                                                                5

e.      Demonstrate the application of the algorithm developed in step c and show               10

2 iterations in details.

f.       Explain the solution procedure of the power flow problem using Newton-                  3

Raphson method.

h.      Draw a flow-chart for the algorithm in step g.                                                                5

i.       Demonstrate the application of the algorithm developed in step g and show              10

2 iterations in details.

k.      Use Matlab to provide final solution of the power flow problem and verify                 4

with step j.

l.       Draw a power flow diagram.                                                                                          3

Problem 2

Marks 40

Consider the single-line diagram of a five-bus power system in the Fig. 2. Each generator is represented by an emf behind the transient reactance. All impedances are expressed in pu on a common MVA base. All resistances and shunt capacitances are neglected. The generators are operating at no load at the rated voltage with their EMFs in phase.


Fig. 2 Five bus system for Problem 2

a.       State the fault analysis problem for the system in Fig. 2.         2

b.      Describe various solution approaches to solve fault analysis problem.         2

c.      Using circuit analysis process, for a fault at bus 5 - find fault current, faulted bus voltages, line currents for the following faults:

.    3 phase to ground

.    Single line to ground

.    Line to line

.    Double line to ground.           12

d.      Using bus impedance method, verify the results in step c.             6

e.      Repeat steps c and d for the previously mentioned faults at bus 2.           18


To help you achieve the best possible results on numerical problems, follow the guidelines below. Each section explains what is expected and how you can maximize your marks.

Set Up the Problem: Clearly write down the known values, the unknown values, and any relevant formulas or equations.

Choose the Correct Method: Select the appropriate method or formula for solving the problem. Justify why you chose this method.

Show All Steps: Clearly write each step in your solution process. Even if you make a mistake, partial marks can be awarded if your method is clear.

Logical Progression: Ensure that your steps follow a logical order and build on each other.

Perform Accurate Calculations: Double-check your arithmetic and algebraic calculations to avoid errors.

Show Your Work: Write out all calculations clearly. Do not skip steps, even if they seem trivial.

Units and Conversions: Pay attention to units and perform any necessary conversions correctly.

Correct Final Answer: Ensure that your final answer is correct and presented in the required format.

Format and Units: Include the correct units and use the appropriate number of significant figures if specified.

Organized Work: Arrange your solution in a clear and organized manner. Use headings and labels if necessary.

Neat and Legible: Write neatly so that your solution is easy to read. Illegible writing can lead to lost marks.

Step-by-Step Explanation: Ensure each step is easy to follow and logically leads to the next.