关键词 > MECH203

MECH203 – Mathematical and Computational Tools for Mechanical Engineers II


Jupyter Notebook Assignment

PART 2 – Unconstrained optimization

Let’s practice our coding skills and check if we have a good handle on the basics of local optimization! We’ll do this by writing our own steepest descent solver.
Section A- Find the minimum of the following function:

1) Define the function and its analytical gradient in Jupyter notebook. ( 2 marks)

2) Implement a steepest gradient algorithm. Use x 0 = 10, y 0 = 20 as starting points. You can consider that the algorithm has converged to a solution if f(x,y) is within 0.0001 of its optimal value. (8  marks)
3) Plot the values of f(x,y)—or log(f(x,y))—x and y at each step during optimization (2 marks).

(PS: this function is positive in all points. You can draw a contour plot with “ax.contour” of the log of this function, which will illustrate that the method is following the gradient. It’s OK if you don’t, you can plot in any way that makes sense to you; but it makes for a cool plot. The advantage of the log is that it makes the x**4 function increase in value less quickly, which facilitates plotting. Note that this example is incomplete: you should insert better labels and legends.)

4) Instead of using your own method, use the CG and BFGS algorithms available in the SciPy.optimize.minimize module. (tip: you can input the analytical gradient that you implemented above using “jac=”; this will make the calculation much more efficient than having the computer perform numerical derivatives.) Use x 0 = 10, y 0 = 20 as starting points. (6 marks)
5) Which method provided the best results, in your opinion? Explain your reasoning (2 marks)

Section B- Minimize the following function instead:

1) Define the function and its analytical gradient in Jupyter notebook. ( 2 marks)
2) Implement a steepest gradient algorithm. Use x 0 = 2, y 0 = 20 as starting points. You can consider that the algorithm has converged to a solution if f(x,y) is within 0.0001 of its optimal value. (4 marks).

3) BONUS (2 marks): Plot the value of f(x,y), x, and y. For example:

(you should insert better labels and legends.)
4) Use the CG and BFGS algorithms available in the SciPy.optimize.minimize module. Use x 0 = 2,
y 0 = 20 as starting points. (4 marks).
5) How many minima does this function have? (2 marks)
6) Can the computer find them all? (2 marks)
7) Are they local or global? (2 marks)
Section C- Explain in about half-a-page (400 words) how the CG and BFGS algorithms function. Feel free to use equations and graphs. (4 marks)