关键词 > TwoDimensionalmotion

Two Dimensional motion Assignment


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Two Dimensional motion Assignment

1. A downhill skier moves 75 m [S15oE], then 125 m[S28oW] and finally 57 m[S12oE] before the first timing interval is recorded. If the time to travel this portion of the course is 16.82 s, determine the skier’s average velocity in km/h. (51 km/h [S6.7 oW¸)

2. A pilot leaves Milan and wishes to fly to Torino which is 175 km [W28o S] of the start position. The wind is reported to be a steady 35 km/h [E35o S]. If the trip is to take 1.5 h, determine the speed and heading the pilot should follow. (140 km/h [W15o S])

3. A kayaker is ferrying across a rapid that is 85 m wide. The current is 2.5 m/s and the top speed of the kayaker is calm water is 3.2 m/s. At what angle to the current must the kayaker travel in order to move perpendicular to the current? How much time will be required to cross the rapid under these conditions? ([E51oN], 43 s)

4. During a search and rescue mission, a pilot is asked to fly the following “zig zag” pattern. If she flies at an airspeed of 125 km/h determine the headings she must follow on legs “A”, “B” and “C” of the mission. The wind blows consistently at 28 km/h [S32oE]. (A – [N6.8oW], B – [E11oN], C – [S6.8oW])

5. As you sit on your deck watching the geese fly overhead you notice that they are travelling 35 km/h [N15oW]. The clouds just above the geese seem to be travelling 18 km/h [E7.0o S]. Determine the velocity with respect to air for the geese? (45 km/h [N37oW])

6. Alfonz the albatross is flying toward his sweetheart Beatrice who is 1.5 km [W25o S] of his current position. He checks his velocity with respect to the air and finds it to be 42 km/h [W7.0oN]. His albatross GPS predicts he will be in Beatrice’s loving wings in 95 seconds. What is the velocity of the wind?(31 km/h [S19oW])

7. The ski jumper leaves the lip of the jump at a velocity of 22.3 m/s [N12oW] on his intended path. The tail wind is 4.5 m/s [N35oW]. If the jumper spends 6.32 s in the air, how far off his planned landing path will he land? What is his velocity when he touches down? (28.4 m[N35oW], 26.5 m/s [N16oW])

8. Determine the average acceleration of a slalom skier if she is moving at a velocity of 9.75 m/s [S25oE] and then changes her velocity of 8.64 m/s [W35o S] in a matter of 0.179 s. (66 m/s2 [W19oN])

9. A plane is travelling 245 km/h [N25oW] and begins a course change. In 15.0 s the aircraft is travelling 315 km/h [S17oW]. Determine the aircraft’s average acceleration in m/s2 . (9.7 m/s2 [S1.0oE]

10. During the biathlon the bullet leaves the rifle at 375 m/s. Where should a marksman aim if they are making a 75 m shot in a cross wind of 25 km/h? Assume the shot is released in a horizontal direction. (1.4 m up wind and 19 cm above the target height)