关键词 > CHIN303



Hello, dear friend, you can consult us at any time if you have any questions, add WeChat: daixieit


Film Analysis Project Overview:

This final presentation asks you to analyze a Chinese movie. First, you will need to select a Chinese movie. You can select any movie---as long as all the leading roles speak Mandarin. It can be produced by directors from Hongkong or Taiwan. You can select one that comes with English subtitles. Then you will need to talk about the movie in your presentation.


1. After selecting your movie, document the source characteristics, find information on: 

a. Date released; 

b. Creators (author if the story is based on a book, director); 

c. Any major rewards if won; 

2. Watch the movie, repeatedly if needed. You want to get the overall picture of the storyline; 

3. Introduce the main characters of the movie and their relationships. Names with pictures.

4. Introduce the plot: What was the movie about? Was it believable? Interesting? Thought-provoking? How was the climax revealed? How did the setting affect the story? 

5. Introduce the themes and Tone: What was the central goal of the movie? Was it made to entertain, educate, or bring awareness to an issue? Was there any strong impression the movie made on you? Did any symbolism come into play? 

6. Introduce the acting and characters: Did you like how the characters were portrayed? Did the acting support the characters, and help them come to life? Did the characters display complex personalities or were they stereotypes? Were there characters that embodied certain archetypes to enhance or diminish the film? 

7. Introduce the director: Some background info about this director(directors). List other works the directors had.

8. Introduce the music: Did the music support the mood of the movie? Was it too distracting or too subtle? Did it add to the production and work well with the script? Were the music queues timed well for the scenes they were supporting? Please find a short clip to play so we can all enjoy!

9. Introduce the production design: Did the sets feel lived-in and believable to the story or characters? Did the created environments heighten the atmosphere on camera? Find a few pictures to adjust your thoughts.

10. Introduce the special effects: Were the special effects believable? Did they align with the era and tone of the movie? Were the effects overboard or too subtle? Did they integrate well with the purpose of the story? If applied—you can skip this part if this film did not have any special effects.

12. Introduce the pace: Did the movie flow well? Was it too fast or too slow? Was it organized? Did certain scenes drag down the movie? 

13. Reason why you pick this movie: Do you like it? Do you select this movie because of the attractive storyline? The fascinate culture? What are the reasons? (You are allowed to answer this part in English if you must)

14. Introduce the dialogue: Were the conversations believable or necessary? Did the dialogue bring context to plot developments? Did the words match the tone of the movie and the personality of the characters? Why do you pick this dialogue from the movie?

Please note: since this is an advanced project, I understand there will be some words beyond our textbook vocabulary list. Feel free to mix up, especially when it comes to certain terms.

This project grading is divided into 2 parts:1. Your deliverables; 2. Your presentation.

Presentation date: our very last class. The recording is accepted if not able to attend the class.

The presentation part is also divided into 2 parts: 1. Your introduction to the movie; 2. Your acting. The acting part requires you to select a clip from this movie, mute the voice and make a dubbing video. You can choose a monologue scene so you will not need a partner. Or you can choose dialogue to work with a partner. You can ask your friend, family, or classmates o be your partner as long as they are the supporting roles (meaning they speak less than you, have fewer lines than yours). You can mute all volumes directly or only the voice but keep the background music if you know how to operate certain software. ---Please see my demo for example.

Please note: You are not simply reading the lines emotionless. You are going to read the lines with 1. Accurate pronunciation 2. Emotions. Please act like you are the character!