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Probability and Statistics Project (POL) (Semester 2_2023_2024)


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Probability and Statistics Project (POL) (Semester 2_2023_2024)


This project could be a continuation of your semester 1 project, a modified one or a totally new one.

If you intend this S2 project to be a continuation of your S1 POL Research Proposal project, you may use the same information that you have gathered before and align it according to your new statistical research question/s or actual data gathered. You may also carry-over some parts of your S1 POL and include them in your new S2 project.

Individually or in pairs, in this project, you will:

*identify a statistics research question(s) that interests you, design a study to collect data on that question, present the data in understandable manner, analyze and interpret the data quantitatively, answer the research question using an appropriate form of testing relationships such as linear correlation and regression, finding cause and effect, and/ or hypothesis testing.

Project Outline:

1.  Identify your Statistics Research Question and Explain its Significance. (Note: In addition to many

research questions you can choose from in many different fields, such as science, business, economics, social studies, etc., you may also propose a problem to be solved using statistics we have learned in semester 2 so far (topics could include  Linear Correlation and Regression, Significance Tests about a Population Proportion,

Significance Test about a Population Mean, Significance Test about a Mean Difference using Paired Data, or you also could apply useful topics such as Significance Test about a Difference in Proportions on AP Statistics textbook pages 619 - 623, Significance Test for the Difference between Two Means on pages 644 - 647). After identifying your research question, you must explain its significance or importance in a certain aspect of an individual, group, community, or society.

2.  Review Literature or References that are Related to your Research Question and then Make an

Introduction or Background of your Research Topic. Read some background ideas related to your research question, and use these ideas to introduce  your research topic and question.

3.  Identify and Describe each of your Research Variables: independent variables, dependent variables, or any other kind of statistical variable. Identify at least two variables that are relevant to your research.

Describe each of the variables. Identify whether the variable is independent or dependent or any other kind.   Identify and/or describe any kind of relationship among the variables. (Example: number of hours of focused after-school study time—independent variable; average score or grade—-dependent variable)

4.  Identify and Describe Method of Collecting Data  (example: making a survey, using a questionnaire, using secondary data from sources, using observational study or experiment, random sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, etc.)

5.  Present Data Graphically (example: present the data using a table, histogram, bar graph, line graph, scatter plot, pie graph, etc.) with complete and appropriate description, labels or titles for each table and/or graph.

6.  Analyze, Describe, and Interpret Data Numerically or Quantitatively (example: using z-tests and t-tests when doing hypothesis testing, making scatterplots, residual plots and finding for the regression line equation, correlation r, r-squared, and other ways of describing, analyzing, or interpreting data quantitatively)

7.  Write a summary of results, conclusion, answer to your research question(s), and recommendations.

Thus, you have to write:

a.     Summary of Results and Findings of your Research

b.     Answer or Answers to your Research Questions

c.     Conclusion of your Research

d.     Recommendation to Real-life Applications or future research

8.  Write a Reference or a Works Cited Page. (See the recommended way to write reference or works cited page in page 3 of this document)

9.  Make a powerpoint presentation. (See the requirements for making a powerpoint presentation in page 2 of this document.)

10. Make a video presentation. (See the requirements for making a video presentation in page 2 of this document.)

Important Notes:

1. The project can be done individually or in pairs. If the project is done in pairs, members composing a team will be assigned randomly.

2. If you plan to choose a research title which is different to your S1 Research Proposal, GET YOUR IDEA APPROVED BY YOUR TEACHER first before you proceed!!!

In a piece of paper, write a brief proposal of your project which includes:

*ResearchTopic and Research Question

*What are the possible variables that will be involved in the research

*What data you need to gather

How you plan to gather your data

•What quantitative analysis will be used to analyze and interpret data

*What could be possible answers to your research question

*What conclusion could possibly be found to answer the research question

3. If you gather data through a paper survey or using a Wechat or Dingtalk survey, you need to provide photos of samples of the filled-in survey papers or questionnaires or screen shots of the WeChat survey results. Include this evidence in the Collecting Data part of your research written report.

4. Voluntary response samples are not sound methods of data collection.  Data collection must be done in another way.

5. You may use Microsoft Excel or any graphing utility or graphing calculator to compile, present, or analyze  your results.

6. Summary tables from Microsoft Excel should NOT be copied & pasted into the power point.

7. Create a written report to turn inThe written report must follow the content, order and structure of

your project outline. Data, tables, results, and ideas may be the same for the members in the team, but each

member of the team must write his/her own unique written report, and submit individually. Avoid

plagiarism. A Turnitin score must be submitted together with your actual research copy. (See the written report grading rubric for more details.)

8. Individually or with your team, create a video accompanied with a powerpoint presentation that discusses/ shows ALL of your analysis and your results.

The video presentation must last a minimum of 10 minutes but no more than 15 minutes. It must be delivered and presented according to the content, order and structure of your written report.

Each team member should lead a part or parts of the presentation. You may be answering questions from your teacher at the end of your presentation.

Please see the video grading rubric for more details.

9. Be careful not to put too much information on each slide.  Split up graphs, charts, etc. so it is easy to understand your analysis. Be sure to DESCRIBE and ANALYZE ALL graphs and tables. Make sure to label or name

your table and graphs.

Total Number of Slides for the powerpoint presentation: (MINIMUM 10 SLIDES) plus the Works Cited page.

10. Works Cited. (List all your Resources; at least 5 resources must be included) All resources must be cited in either APA/MLA format, with a title, author, page numbers , year and publishing authority listed etc. Resources cited in other ways will RECEIVE LOW OR NO CREDIT.


From: http://www.writinghelp-central.com/apa-citation-internet.html


Format of Writing: Name of author. ( Date published ). Title of the article. Title of the Publication Website . Date retrieved or accessed.

Remember, the more resources you use the better your presentation will be!

11. Correct Grammar English or American Standard English or Formal English must be used in the written report, video presentation, and powerpoint presentation. Correct spelling will be strictly checked and highly required.

12. Check in:

From time to time we will check in together to make sure you are progressing on your project. If your class time has not been used productively and/ or you are not progressing on your project, it will have an effect on your grade.