关键词 > ECON5002

ECON 5002 Basic Econometrics


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ECON 5002 Basic Econometrics


Each Group MUST answer ALL FIVE questions

Biddle and Hamermesh (1990) studied the trade-off between time spent sleeping and working (in the labour market), along with other factors affecting sleep. The paper can be downloaded from the University of Glasgow Library. The file SLEEP75.xls contains the cross-sectional data for the years 1975-1976. The variables are briey described in the file SLEEP75_description.txt. Please answer the following questions:

1. Regress slnpnaps on a constant, and the following explanatory variables

totwrk, educ, age, agesq, marr, yrsmarr, male, gdhlth, yngkid, prot, black

What is the interpretation of the estimated coefficient of the variable totwrk? Please, be specific on the unit of measurement. Comment on the practical and the statistical significance of the coefficient.

2. Consider again the model in question 1. Keeping all other variables fixed, what would be the effect of turning one year older on slpnaps for an individual that is 44 years old? Next, check for the correlation between age and agesq and comment on the possible effects on the estimates. Do you see any problem with the model specification?

3. Run the regression considered in question 1 separately for men and women. If you don't remove the dummy variable male, you will run into trouble. Why? Explain what would  happen in the male and female sub-samples if the dummy variable male is included.

4. Run the same regression as in question 3 for all the respondents. Using the Sum of Squared Residuals (SSR) obtained from the three regressions, test whether the coefficients varies significantly across genders (Chow test). Check your result computing the same test using the software (in EViews use the Factor Breakpoint Test). Finally, compute the Chow test again allowing for a different intercept for male and females. Discuss your findings.

5. Commenting on the negative sign of educ's coefficient, the authors say:

It is difficult to imagine that greater schooling reduces the taste for sleep; rather we interpret this as operating through wages and thus as reflecting a price effect.

To investigate this claim, you will be asked to include in the regression the variable hrwage, for which only 532 observations are available. For this reason, consider first the sub-sample including the first 532 observations, and run the same regression as in question 1 on this sub-sample (call it the unrestricted regression). Next, test the null hypothesis that the coefficient of the variables

marr, yrsmarr, age, agesq, yngkid, black

are jointly zero and comment on the outcome of the test. Drop the variables listed above from the model, run the restricted regression and compare the goodness-of-fit of the restricted and unrestricted model. What do you conclude? Finally, add hrwage to the restricted model and run the regression. Do your findings support the Biddle and Hammermesh claim? Explain.


Biddle, Jeff E., and Daniel S. Hamermesh.”Sleep and the Allocation of Time". Journal of Political Economy 98, no. 5 (1990): 922-43. http://www.jstor.org/stable/2937618 .

This assessment is group-based for two reasons:

Firstly because by working in a group and by interacting with your peers, you will enhance your learning and your skill set. As a group, and via collective effort, you will be able to make a lot more progress in learning about and applying economic research, compared with tackling these questions independently.

Second, group work provides useful experience for a career as an economist, as economists often work in groups to analyze data and existing research to promote understanding of economic questions.

Arrangements for forming groups and allocating roles

The arrangements for forming groups and allocating roles are as follows:

Randomly allocated to groups.

Groups must discuss the Business School's Assessed Groupwork Policy and agree how they will apply it at their first meeting. The policy can be found on the Student Information Point Moodle.

Moodle forum

Group members must use the group forum provided to interact to ensure that no student is disadvantaged by not having a particular social media account.

Assessment criteria

1. Answers the question/problem or topic set.

[Everything written is relevant to the question; each fact, concept, argument and piece of evidence contributes and makes a difference to the answer]

2. Makes a convincing argument supported by appropriate evidence.

[Builds a case; goes beyond a list of facts; facts and evidence support the case being made; demonstrates evidence of interpretation and evaluation; argues for a position, rather than merely asserting an opinion; anticipates and responds to possible counter-arguments; reaches concluding remarks where applicable and assesses the strength of them.]

3. Demonstrates and applies relevant subject specific knowledge/understanding.

[Answer demonstrates understanding and application of disciplinary concepts, ideas, procedures, illustrates application of concepts and ideas]

4. Has an appropriate structure.

[Has a logical sequence, ideas relate to each other and to topic, provides signposts for the reader (e.g. “there are three main reasons for this”, “taking a different perspective...”, “a possible counter-argument might be...”.), conclusions drawn logically follow from the arguments and evidence presented

Feedback method

Feedback on your assignment will normally be provided via Moodle. Generic (class-level) feedback and grade profiles will normally be posted on Moodle.

Students can use academic staff office hours for additional feedback on your work.

Preparing your coursework

Document creation


1. Please use this file naming convention: GroupNo_CourseCode_QuestionNo. e.g. Group3_ACCFIN4099_1. If there is no question choice, use 1 as the default.

2. The file type must be .doc, .doxc, .xls, .xlsx or .pdf.

3. Include your group number in your document, ideally in the header on each page with the course code and title, e.g. Group3_ACCFIN1003_Finance1.

4. All group members will upload a peer assessment and self-reflection form, using the naming convention GroupNo_CourseCode_StudentNo. e.g. Group3_ACCFIN4099_2371231.

5. The maximum file size limit on Moodle is 230MB


You won’t be penalised if you don’t follow this good practice on formatting, but it will help your markers:

Use a Sans Serif font in black, e.g. Arial, Avant Garde, Calibri, Helvetica and Geneva.

Use font size 12.

Use 1.5 or double line spacing.

Align your text to the left margin.

Add page numbers.

Referencing and bibliography

You should reference your sources appropriately and list these in a bibliography. The bibliography is excluded from your word limit. You should use the ‘Harvard’ referencing system, as detailed below for written coursework.

In the text, use the following referencing conventions:

Smith (1999) argues that…. or

It has been argued that……. (Smith, 1999).

If you use a direct quote, use quotation marks and cite the page number as well as the author and date, i.e. (Smith, 1999, p. 4).

If you have two items by the same author in the same year, refer to one as ‘a’ and the other as ‘b’, i.e. Smith (1999a) and Smith (1999b).

For more information, please refer to the University Library webpage.

Student conduct


You must adhere to the University’s rules regarding plagiarism which are based on the premise that ‘all work submitted by students for assessment is accepted on the understanding that it is the student's own effort’, in this case, the efforts of group members. More specifically, you must avoid plagiarism in the following forms:

Copying from sources without ‘formal and proper acknowledgement’

Inappropriate collaboration – working with non-members to produce your group’s coursework or copying work produced by another student/group

Submitting work which you have obtained from another source, e.g. an essay mill

Self-plagiarism – basing coursework on work that has already been submitted for assessment purposes.

For advice and more information, please consult:

LEADS web pages

University Plagiarism Statement


Note that your coursework will be processed through Turnitin for similarity checking. You can submit a draft of your coursework to Turnitin before submitting your final copy. You will find information about using Turnitin on the Student Information Point Moodle.

Submitting your coursework

A designated member of the group must submit in accordance with the stated time and date on page 1. See below for information if you are unable to do so.

Finalising your document

Please follow the steps listed below:

1. Check spelling and grammar using the inbuilt tool on your device. You will not be penalised for grammatical and spelling errors but we recommend that you take the opportunity to correct them.

2. Check your file name (see above).

3. Check that you have used an accepted file type (see above).

4. Do not include any names in the file name or the document to support anonymous marking.

Uploading your document to Moodle

1. One group member will upload your document to the designated section of the Moodle course, which will be clearly signposted.

2. Try to upload your document at least 30 minutes before the deadline (page 1) in case you encounter any technical issues. You will be able to resubmit the document as often as you like until the submission deadline.

3. Complete the Declaration of Originality (see below) on behalf of the group.

Declaration of Originality

When you upload your coursework on Moodle, you will be required to select a checkbox to confirm that you agree with the University’s Declaration of Originality which applies to all academic work, as follows:

I confirm that this assignment is my own work and I have:

Read and understood the guidance on plagiarism provided on the Student Information Point Moodle course including the University of Glasgow Statement on Plagiarism.

Clearly referenced, in both the text and the bibliography or references, all sources used in the work.

Fully referenced (including page numbers) and used inverted commas for all text quoted from books, journals, web etc.

Provided the sources for all tables, figures, data etc. that are not my own work.

Not made use of the work of any other student(s) past or present without acknowledgement. This includes any of my own work, that has previously, or concurrently, been submitted for assessment, either at this or any other institution, including school.

Not sought or used the services of any professional agencies to produce this work.

In addition, I understand that any false claim in respect of this work will result in disciplinary action in accordance with University regulations.

Extensions and non-submission with good cause

Please refer to the Student Information Point Moodle for relevant information.

There is no reassessment opportunity for this assignment.

Late submission penalties

In the absence of good cause, late submission penalties will be applied as explained in the Student Information Point Moodle.


If you have any questions about this coursework briefing, please read it carefully again to ensure you fully understand it. If you still have questions, please post these on the course Moodle Discussion Forum.

Personal questions only can be sent to [delete as necessary]:

[email protected]