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Bsan3204 Quiz 2


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Quiz 2

.    All of your responses to the questions in this quiz should be contained within one single Word document using Section Headings for each Question

.     Include a title page with your name, student ID, course code, and year.

Question 1 (50 marks)

A)   For this question you will be asked to use the dataset from Australian Census data using the ABS Table Builder and plotting a variable of interest on a spatial map of the country (please  avoid using the variables age and sex)


B)   Create a spatial map of the country using ABS table builder (you are free to use whichever variables from the dataset except age and sex). In your spatial map, include:

a)   The map,

b)   The title and subheading for the graph.

c)    The legend

All components should be in an appropriate location, with suitable fonts and size.

C)   Who are clients/stakeholders of the map?

D)   What is the message of the map?

E)   What is the call to action?

F)    Submit your R code. I will be running this code on my own computer, where if your code does not run on my computer then you will be given a mark of 0 for this section. Let me know if your codes are not working to receive some marks for your attempt.

Question 2 (50 marks)

A)   For this question you will be asked to use the Boston dataset from the MASS package in R (https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/MASS/versions/7.3-54/topics/Boston)

B)   Create an Infographic (with multiple panels) using no data other than that from the Boston dataset (you are free to use whichever variables from that dataset you choose). You need to attach your infographic to the answer sheet. You need to use an appropriate theme for your infographic. Your infographic includes:

d)   a photo or clip art image (just grab any image from the internet),

e)   a waffle chart,

f)    a scatterplot,

g)    a barchart (either horizontal or vertical),

h)   a heatmap,

i)     two separate textboxes (areas of the infographic where you will display text other than titles or headings),

j)     the UQ logo, and

k)    whatever titles and section headings you also would like to include

C)   Tell me how the UQ logo will impact the rest of the infographic.

D)   Who is the client? What is the problem and how will infographic communicate the story to the client?

G)   Submit your R code. I will be running this code on my own computer, where if your code does not run on my computer then you will be given a mark of 0 for this section. Let me know if your codes are not working to receive some marks for your attempt.