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MIS2402 Final Exam Study Guide


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MIS2402 Final Exam Study Guide


In the last few classes, we have focused primarily on using $.getJSON and $.post to interact with API endpoints.  Also, students were exposed to concepts related to a single page architecture (SPA) application.

We have also continued to reinforce our understanding of jQuery and JavaScript.

In preparation for the final exam, students are advised to review past lectures, assignments, and in-class exercises/demonstrations as references.  

Students are allowed to use a single 8.5 x 11 piece of paper with handwritten notes while taking the exam.  You may use both the front and back of your notes page.  Students will be required to turn in their notes pages when they are done taking the exam.

Information about the Final Exam

The exam will be hands-on programming challenges broken down into steps.  You will have 120 minutes in which to complete the exam.

There will be two parts to the exam.  For both part A and part B students will be given a start file.  Students are not required to “start from scratch”.

Part A will be a coding challenge like what students encountered previously in hands on quizzes.  Students will need to write code to retrieve information provided by a web service.  Part A will be worth 50 points.

Part B will walk the students through the completion of a very simple web application.  Part B will be worth 50 points.

There will be a total of 100 points on the exam.

It is strongly recommended that you go through the exam questions in sequential order.

Topic List

The following topic list is provided to help students prepare for the exam.  It is a list of topics that students should have confidence in.  This confidence should extend to combining these topics together to create solutions that may be slightly different from what students have previously encountered.

1. Bootstrap

a. The container class

b. The row class

c. The col class

d. Common classes (“alert”,”btn”,”form-control”,”text”)

e. Common contextual classes (“alert-success”,”alert-primary”,”alert-danger”, etc.)


a. <table> and related tags

b. <ul> and <li>

c. <ol> and <li>

d. The anchor tag: <a>

e. <form>

f. <input>

g. <select> and <option>

h. <br>

i. <p>

j. <script>

k. <style> 

3. JavaScript commands and syntax

a. functions

i. How to define a JavaScript function using “let”

ii. How to define a callback function used inside of a jQuery method

iii. How parameters are passed into a function

b. “if” statements

c. “for” loops

d. Simple objects / arrays

e. console.log

4. jQuery selectors

a. # is used to select by an id attribute

5. jQuery methods

a. .addClass()

b. .removeClass()

c. .show()

d. .hide()

e. .val()

f. .html()

g. .append()

h. .serialize()

6. jQuery events

a. .click()

7. jQuery methods used to make Ajax calls

a. $.getJSON()

b. how to define a call back function

c. how to iterate through the data using for loop

d. $.post()

e. .serialize()

f. Know the difference between the “name” and “id” HTML attributes and which one is used in .serialize()

8. Other

a. The Google Developer Tools – don’t forget to use them!

b. Students should be able to recognize JSON text when they see it and be able to interpret simple objects expressed as JSON.

c. Understand the important difference between id and name attributes of an HTML tag

Please be advised that there may be items on the list that are not on the exam.  There also may be items on the exam that are not on the list.



For Part A. (50 points)

· If your work is uploaded to the right location, named correctly, and generates all output correctly, you will earn 50 points.

· Your instructor will test your code with multiple tests.  If your work generates almost all output correctly (only one bad output), you will earn 45 points

· If your work fails multiple tests, or is uploaded to the wrong location on misdemo.temple.edu, or if it is named incorrectly your score will be 40 points maximum and may decrease from there based on the code you provided.

· Your instructor will deduct points in 5-point increments based on what is found/not found in your code.

For Part B (50 points)

               Same as above


1. Transferring your exam work to another student, either deliberately or through negligence, will be considered cheating and result in a zero for the exam.  Incidents of academic dishonesty will be escalated to the University Disciplinary Committee.

2. You have 120 minutes in which to complete the exam. If you do not upload your solution ( per  your instructor's directions) before the end of the exam period (120 minutes) you will receive a zero on the exam.

3. Instructors of individual sections of MIS2402 may have additional requirements, instructions, or expectations.  Students must follow all directions provided by their individual instructor.