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ECO2121 Basic Statistics: Problem Set 5


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ECO2121 Basic Statistics: Problem Set 5

Due Date: May 8 (Wednesday), 11:59pm

Total Points: 100 points

Instruction: You can type or hand-write your answers. Please indicate clearly the question numbers. In the  free response questions and data analysis questions, please show steps of calculation or detailed explanation. You are free to choose any software package in the data analysis questions. But be sure to present the  machine outputs in human readable formats.

Academic Integrity: Copying is NOT allowed. If your answers are from collaborated work with other classmates, please cite properly. Identical answers in non-multiple-choice questions without citation are considered as cheating. For more details, please refer to the course syllabus.

Note: If possible, please scan your hand-written answers using APP like Adobe Scan in smart phones and upload your answers in .pdf format to the Blackboard. Please check the legibility of your file before uploading.

I. Multiple Choices (15 points in total, 1 point each)

1. More evidence against H0 is indicated by

a. lower levels of significance

b. smaller p-values

c. smaller critical values

d. lower probabilities of a Type II error

2. If the cost of a Type I error is high, a smaller value should be chosen for the

a. critical value

b. confidence coefficient

c. level of significance

d. test statistic

3. In hypothesis testing, the hypothesis tentatively assumed to be true is

a. the alternative hypothesis

b. the null hypothesis

c. either the null or the alternative

d. None of the other answers are correct.

4. In hypothesis testing, the alternative hypothesis is

a. the hypothesis tentatively assumed true in the hypothesis-testing procedure b. the hypothesis concluded to be true if the null hypothesis is rejected

c. the maximum probability of a Type I error

d. All of the answers are correct.

5. The level of significance is the

a. maximum allowable probability of Type II error

b. maximum allowable probability of Type I error

c. same as the confidence coefficient

d. same as the p-value

6. The ANOVA procedure is a statistical approach for determining whether or not a. the means of two samples are equal

b. the means of two or more samples are equal

c. the means of more than two samples are equal

d. the means of two or more populations are equal

7. An ANOVA procedure is applied to data obtained from 6 samples where each sample contains 20 observations. The degrees of freedom for the critical value ofF are

a. 6 numerator and 20 denominator degrees of freedom

b. 5 numerator and 20 denominator degrees of freedom

c. 5 numerator and 114 denominator degrees of freedom

d. 6 numerator and 20 denominator degrees of freedom

8. The required condition for using an ANOVA procedure on data from several populations is that the a. the selected samples are dependent on each other

b. sampled populations are all uniform

c. sampled populations have equal variances

d. sampled populations have equal means

9. If the coefficient of correlation is a positive value, then the slope of the regression line

a. must also be positive

b. can be either negative or positive

c. can be zero

d. None of these answers is correct.

10. The proportion of the variation in the dependent variable y that is explained by the estimated regression equation is measured by the

a. correlation coefficient

b. standard error of the estimate

c. coefficient of determination

d. confidence interval estimate

11. If the coefficient of correlation is 0.8, the percentage of variation in the dependent variable explained by the estimated regression equation is

a. 0.80%

b. 80%

c. 0.64%

d. 64%

12. The least squares criterion is









13. As the goodness offit for the estimated regression equation increases,

a. the absolute value of the regression equation’s slope increases

b. the value of the regression equations y intercept decreases

c. the value of the coefficient of determination increases

d. the value of the correlation coefficient increases

14. Regression analysis was applied between sales (in $1000) and advertising (in $100) and the following regression function was obtained.

= 500 + 4x

Based on the above estimated regression line if advertising is $10,000, then the point estimate for sales (in dollars) is

a. $900

b. $900,000

c. $40,500

d. $505,000

15. Larger values of r2 imply that the observations are more closely grouped about the

a. average value of the independent variables

b. average value of the dependent variable

c. least squares line

d. origin

II. Fill in the Blank (10 points in total)

1. (7 pts, 1 pt each) In a completely randomized experimental design involving five treatments, thirteen observations were recorded for each of the five treatments. The following information is provided.

SSTR = 200 (Sum Square Between Treatments)

SST = 800 (Total Sum Square)

.    The sum of squares within treatments (SSE) is ,

.    The number of degrees of freedom corresponding to between treatments is ,

.    The number of degrees of freedom corresponding to within treatments is ,

.    The mean square between treatments (MSTR) is ,

.    The mean square within treatments (MSE) is ,

.    If at a 5% level of significance we want to determine whether or not the means of the five populations are equal, the critical value ofF is ,

.    The conclusion of the test is that the five means ,

2. (3 pts) The following is part of an ANOVA table, which was the results of three treatments and a total of 15 observations.

Source of Variation

Sum of


Degrees of Freedom




Between Treatments



? ?

Within Treatments (Error)




Total                                            ?                ?

III. Free Response (75 pts in total)

Show detailed steps for the questions in this section.

1. (17 pts) A carpet company advertises that it will deliver your carpet within 15 days of purchase. A sample of 49 past customers is taken. The average delivery time in the sample was 16.2 days. The

population standard deviation is 5.6 days.

a.    (2 pts) State the null and alternative hypotheses.

b.    (5 pts) Using a critical value, test the null hypothesis at the 5% level of significance.

c.    (5 pts) Using ap-value, test the hypothesis at the 5% level of significance.

(5 pts) Compute the probability of a Type II error if the true average delivery time is 17 days d.

after purchase.

2. (13 pts)  Nancy believes that the average running time of movies is equal to 140 minutes. A sample of 4 movies was taken and the following running times were obtained. Assume the distribution of the

population is normally distributed.

150           150           180           170

a.     (2 pts) State the null and alternative hypotheses.

b.     (5 pts) Using a critical value, test the hypothesis at the 10% level of significance.

c.     (5 pts) Using ap-value, test the hypothesis at the 10% level of significance.

d.     (1 pt) Could a Type II error have been committed in this hypothesis test?

3. (8 pts)  A new soft drink is being market tested. A sample of 400 individuals participated in the taste test and 80 indicated they like the taste.

a. (5 pts) At a 5% significance level, test to determine if at least 22% of the population will like the new soft drink.

b. (3 pts) Determine the p-value.

4. (7 pts) In order to determine whether or not a driver's education course improves the scores on a

driving exam, a sample of 6 students were given the exam before and after taking the course. The results are shown below.

Let d = Score After - Score Before.


Student                                        Before the Course

1                                                  83

2                                                    89

3                                                  93

4                                                  77

5                                                     86

6                                                  79


After the Course







a. (2 pts) Compute the test statistic.

b. (5 pts) At 95% confidence using the p-value approach, test to see if taking the course actually increased scores on the driving exam.

5. (15 pts) A company has recorded data on the daily demand for its product (y in thousands of units) and  the unit price (x in hundreds of dollars). A sample of 15 days demand and associated prices resulted in the following data.





Σ x = 75

Σ x 2 = 469

Σ y = 135

Σ y 2 = 1315

Σ x y = 616

Using the above information, develop the least-squares estimated regression line and write the equation. (5 pts)

Compute the coefficient of determination. (2 pts)

Perform an F test and determine whether or not there is a significant relationship between demand and unit price. Let α = 0.05. (5 pts)

Would the demand ever reach zero? If yes, at what price would the demand be zero? (3 pts)

6. (15 pts)  Shown below is a portion of a computer output for regression analysis relating y (dependent variable) and x (independent variable).














Standard Error

t Stat





Variable x




a. b.

c. d.


What has been the sample size for the above? (3 pts)

Perform a t-test and determine whether or not x andy are related. Use α = 0.05. (3 pts)    Perform an F-test and determine whether or not x andy are related. Use α = 0.05. (3 pts) Compute the coefficient of determination. (3 pts)

Interpret the meaning of the value of the coefficient of determination that you found in d. Be very specific. (3 pts)