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INFS4205/7205 Practice 2 - Individual Project Semester 1, 2024


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Advanced Techniques for High Dimensional Data

Semester 1, 2024

INFS4205/7205 Practice 2 - Individual Project

Due: 16:00 AEST on 10 May 2024

Weighting: 25%

All assignments should be submitted to the UQ Blackboard. If any assignment fails to be submitted appropriately before the  due date, late penalties  will be  applied  as detailed in the ECP.  Email submission will not be accepted.


The project consists of three sections (1) Implementation, (2) Report, (3) Presentation. In this assignment, you are asked to implement a set of query scenarios in PostgreSQL, utilising spatial / spatial-temporal data as well as computational geometry algorithms wherever suitable.

Firstly, you need to find spatial datasets that are suitable for this project from any sources you find interesting. Then, according to the scenarios of the datasets, you need to design at least three practical query tasks covered in this course, such as k-NN, range search, skyline,  trajectory analysis, shorted path, etc. Next, you need to implement these queries by writing SQL code in PostgreSQL.

For each of query scenario, you need to implement at least three different indexing algorithms (e.g., sequential  scan, k-d tree, R tree, quadtree).  You may use different  (suitable) indexes for different queries. To validate the correctness and efficiency of the implementation,  for each of query  scenario,  you  need  to  include at  least three tests with  different  inputs,  outputs,  and conditions (i.e., WHERE) .

Here is an example.

Query 1: Search the K-nearest restaurants of given a point location.

Indexing Methods: 1) sequential search, 2) quadtree and 3) k-d tree.


1) K=5 and point location is (0,0),

2) K=1 and point location is (0,0),

3) K=5 and point location is (100,100).

For this query scenario, you execute the query nine times. For each of test case, you apply three different indexing methods. And for each of indexing method, you apply three different test cases.

Presentation - Reflection. Once you have done the implementation, you need to prepare a 3- minute  video presentation reflecting   on  your  work  and  present  your  problem  statement, methodology, outcomes, and analysis in the project report. You will need to present your findings in a clear and concise manner, with a focus on the insights gained from the project.

Language requirements: You   are  required  to  write   SQL   code  in   psql   or   PostgreSQL   for implementing the project. If the indexing methods/algorithm implemented are not supported in PostgreSQL/PostGIS, you are allowed to use any other programming languages (e.g., Python or Java) to support this project. You are also allowed to use any existing libraries.

Dataset Selection

Any open-sourced dataset is allowed as long as it fits topic about spatial / spatial-temporal data manipulation. We provide some example datasets for reference, including but not limited to:

For any datasets you find that are not listed above, we will evaluate the difficulty based on the size and attributes of that dataset. For ‘moderate’ datasets, the size is greater than 10, 000 and attributes contain at least coordinates and timestamps. For ‘hard’ datasets, the datasets size is greater than 100, 000 and attributes should be more complicated and informative.

Marks Capped (as shown in the last column): If you choose to work with the easy dataset, the maximum marks you can obtain for this project is 17. This means that any marks beyond 17  will not be counted towards your final grade.

Implementation [10 marks]

1.    Once you have determined the datasets, you need to conceptualize at least three query tasks from the real world. Some example query tasks are listed below:

a.   find all data points in a given rectangular area and within a certain time window.

b.   find all data points within certain distance to a trajectory emerging on the same day.

c.   find k nearest neighbours (data points) of a given trajectory for a given date.

d.   find the skyline data points.

e.   find the trajectory that is shortest and fastest from given data point to another.

f.    find the trajectory that is most similar to a given trajectory.

2.   As described in the Overview, for each of the query task, you need to implement at least

three indexing methods, and test the query with at least three cases for different inputs and outputs.

3.   You must upload your full source code, including a) SQL for database setup, data insertion, index creation, query implementation, and b) any supporting code in other languages. No marks will be given for this section incomplete code is submitted.

The marking criteria is summarized as follows:

Completeness [6 marks]: The selected high-dimensional database was adequately processed and cleaned. At least three algorithms taught in this course should be implemented, or methods from recent scientific research can be reproduced. At least three query tasks from real-world scenarios need to be given to test your implementation. You need to include at least three testing cases which cover a diverse range of inputs and make full use of the special attributes (e.g., sequence, relationships) of datasets, reflecting the completeness of the methods. Each query is worth 2 marks and full marks will be awarded by successfully tackling challenging tasks (e.g., skyline, spatiotemporal, trajectory similarity). Marks are not awarded for repetitive queries.

Correctness [4 marks]: To ensure the query is optimized through your implemented indexing methods, you must employ ‘EXPLAIN (ANALYZE ON, BUFFERS ON)’ to review the query plan and associated costs. You need to include the returned outputs of both the query and `EXPLAIN` as comments in your .sql file, for each (query task, indexing method and test case). An example is provided below (the template will be provided) :

Report [10 marks]

The report should contain the following sections:

(1) Introduction [2 marks] to the task or problem being proposed and elucidate its practical application value in industry or its potential contribution to scientific research. For example, what are the application scenarios for the dataset of your choice? Why/How do we build efficient index-based queries for these scenarios?

(2) Methodology [3 marks] to explicate the approach employed in a precise and explicit manner, encompassing the overall algorithm, the technical intricacies of each step or module, as well as any improvements or innovations you made. You can enrich your descriptions by drawing detailed flowcharts and/or using rigorous mathematical formulas.

(3) Experimental Results & Analysis [4 marks] based on the query plan across various indexing methods. This involves a comprehensive comparison of costs and execution strategies, incorporating detailed analyses of query operations. Utilize tables, graphs, and map visualizations to highlight efficiency differences among indexing techniques, pinpointing any scenario-specific   advantages. The results should be analysed deeply to unearth insightful findings.

Writing [1 mark]: The report should be written in excellent logical structure, physical layout, scientific and technical style, with no spelling mistakes or grammar errors. You need to appropriate reference to a correctly formatted bibliography. The report should be around four- page long and written in given IEEE doc or latex template.

Presentation [5 marks]

You are required to make a 3-minute presentation to comprehensively reflect your work and progress on this project.

Content [3 marks]: You must provide a deep and thorough reflection on your contributions to   this project. For example, how was your progress on this project? What course material did you learn that helped you complete the program? What are the key challenges you've encountered and struggled with? What skills, knowledge or other benefits did you gain from completing the  program? How can you make improvement if you do a similar project next time, maybe in your work?

Presentation [2 mark] : The presenter must articulate clearly, logically organize content, share insights, and ensure the audience easily understands. The video should include a webcam view of the presenter's face. The resolution of the uploaded video should be in 1080P resolution and not exceed 3 minutes.


You are required to submit all following files.

−   A compressed file (.zip) consisting of all source code:

o a SQL file including the database construction, manipulation, task queries, returned outputs of both query and query plan. A template is provided.

o supporting code in other programming languages and provide a .txt file as the instructions of when/how/why we use them.

−   A 3-minute video of your presentations.

−   Project report in PDF format.

Only your submitted version will be marked. A penalty will be applied to the late submission according to the ECP.

Use of AI Tool

Artificial Intelligence (AI) provides emerging tools that may support students in completing this assessment task. Students may appropriately use AI in completing this assessment task. Students must clearly reference any use of AI in each instance. A failure to reference AI use may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct. This task has been designed to be challenging, authentic and complex.  Whilst students may use AI technologies, successful completion of assessment in this course will require students to critically engage in specific contexts and tasks for which artificial intelligence will provide only limited support and guidance. A failure to reference AI use may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct. To pass this assessment, students are required to demonstrate detailed comprehension of their written submission independent of AI tools.

When you use generative AI (ChatGPT) in this assessment, you should:

−   Do not provide any private information when using these tools.

−   Verify any information provided by generative AI tools with credible sources and check for missing information.

Acknowledge any generative tools that you use for your assignments or work and how you used them. For example, include the name, model or version, date used and how you used it in your assignment or work.

Useful Tools

−   Visualization spatial (-temporal) data over google maps: [link]

−   Import CSV file into PostgreSQL table: [link]