关键词 > MARK203



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Weighting: 35%

Deadline: Friday, 31 May 2024, 4pm NZ Time

Word Limit: 2,000 ± 10% (excluding references, appendices, tables/graphs, and title/content page).

Max. Points:     100

Type:                Individual

General Instructions

The format should be Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing, 2.5cm margins, and written as a professional business report (not essay style); use headings, tables, bullet points, etc. You should provide your name, student ID, word count and the tutor’s name in the first page of your report (this part will be excluded from the word count).

The report can be between 1,800-2,200 words. The word count does not include appendices, tables, figures, SPSS output, references, and title/content page.


•   In this assignment, you do not have to design a survey and distribute the questionnaires to the target respondents. Instead, you need to participate in a survey, where the final dataset will be used for analysis and interpretation in this assignment. The survey link is provided on Nuku during the Mid Term Break and Week 6.

•   Based on the survey results dataset (i.e., factors affecting young consumers’ intention to purchase environmentally friendly products/services), you may choose relevant variables (independent variables, dependent variable(s), and demographic profiles of the respondents) to  examine. You need to check the measurement scales and references for each variable of interest to develop and justify your research hypotheses. Please note that you need to find some additional literature to support your hypotheses. The measurement scales and dataset files will be provided on Nuku after the survey has been completed.

•   Your statistical analysis must include:

Frequency counts for relevant variables.

Descriptive statistics for relevant variables.

At least one t-test.

At least one ANOVA.

At least one Multiple Regression analysis (using 3 (three) independent variables from the dataset).

Notes: You do not need to develop research hypotheses for frequency  counts and descriptive statistics sections. However, t-test, ANOVA, and Multiple Regression analyses need to have well developed and justified research hypotheses.

•   Follow the American Psychological Association Publication Manual (APA format) for referencing styles.

•   Be as creative as possible and remember to justify your ideas and choices.

•   When marking the report, specific attention will be paid to the appropriateness of the proposed research  hypotheses, the  justification  of  ideas,  and the  appropriateness of  the  statistical analysis.

•   Also, you must ensure coherence and flow in the report (i.e., you should move from one topic or idea to another in a logical order).

Report Structure

Section 1: Introduction

In this section, you need to provide a brief background of the research: (1) the broad topic/issue — factors affecting young consumers’ intention to purchase environmentally friendly products/services and (2) the focus of the report—your key variables) so readers can have a general idea of the research and understand your research scope. In your discussion, you should provide a justification of the selected key variables in your report. Also, you should state your specific research questions in this section.

Section 2: Conceptual Framework and Research Hypotheses

Conceptual Framework consists of key hypotheses (especially for your Multiple Regression analysis purposes —refer to the discussion in the lecture). To develop a conceptual framework:

•   State your research hypotheses (no more than 5-6 main hypotheses).

•   Justify your research hypotheses (i.e., provide a brief relevant literature review to support the hypothesized relationships between key variables). A literature review will help you better understand  the  variables  and  their  definitions,  as  well  as  what  other  researchers  have investigated and found.

•   Draw causal graph(s) using boxes, arrows, signs, etc. to represent these relevant hypotheses graphically.  Please  note  that  not  all  hypotheses  need  to  be  included  in  the  conceptual framework.

Section 3: Research Method(s)

You  should  discuss  the  sampling  method(s)  and  the  samples  of  the  survey.  Also,  discuss  the measurement scales/measures used in your analysis and the operationalization of the key variables (i.e. , the operational definitions). A literature review will be helpful for the discussion of the measurement scales and operational definitions used in the survey.

Section 4: Results and Discussion

In this section, present your quantitative analysis findings in a coherent and logical manner. This section must include the analysis and thorough interpretation of the quantitative test results and statistics you have obtained. Relevant SPSS output and SPSS syntax should be given in the Appendices.

Note that each appropriate figure, statistic, and table must be thoroughly discussed. You should indicate whether your hypotheses  are  supported  or  not  supported  and  discuss  ‘so  what’  as  part  of your interpretation.

Section 5: Recommendations and Conclusion

Discuss the results with reference to the research questions and research hypotheses. Make some relevant recommendations for relevant stakeholders (e.g., managers, directors, public policy makers) - what do you suggest them do and why? Finish with an overall conclusion - link back to the research topic.

Section 6: Limitations of the Study

Identify and briefly discuss any potential flaws, errors, or imperfection in any steps of the survey process that could be systematically avoided. The limitations must be relevant to research at hand, not a replication  of textbook  or  a  journal  article.  Based  on  these  limitations,  provide  some  insightful suggestions for future research direction (e.g., different research contexts,  different independent variables, different sample/sampling/size/measurements?).

Section 7: References

Include your references (APA format). Refer to APA (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Section 8: Appendices

Include relevant SPSS outputs and SPSS syntax in the appendices. Also, do not forget to provide your evidence  of participating  in  the  survey  as  a  respondent to  claim  for  the  5  marks  of  Survey Participation. Please note that without the evidence (i.e., the screenshot of the last questions of the survey, you will not get the 5 marks of Survey Participation).