关键词 > ELEC372/472



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Assignment 3 – Amplifier Design

Section 1: Design and investigate the DC, AC and transient responses of a single-stage Op-amp by simulation and analysis.

a) Calculate the aspect ratios of all transistors (i.e. M1, M2, M3, M4, Mo, and Mbias) in the design. Make sure to represent these as a whole number of lm. Show your calculations and final values  [10/100]

b) Show the corresponding simulation results for your amplifier DC, AC (i.e. Bode and phase plots) and transient (i.e. slew rate, rise/fall edge) responses  [10/100]

c) Analyse the responses obtained in b), and extract/examine the key parameters from the characteristics including gain, gain-bandwidth and phase-margin etc. Compare and comment on the outputs obtained from the simulations to those provided in the specifications  [10/100]

d) Further optimise your design and show how the gain and gain-bandwidth may be improved using this design architecture.  [10/100]

Section2: Design and investigate the DC, AC and transient responses of a two-stage Op-amp with compensating capacitor by simulation and analysis  

a) Calculate the aspect ratios of all transistors (i.e. M1, M2, M3, M4, Mo, and Mbias) in the design. Make sure to represent these as a whole number of lm. Show your calculations and final values  [10/100]

b) Show the corresponding simulation results for your amplifier DC, AC (i.e. Bode and phase plots) and transient (i.e. slew rate, rise/fall edge) responses [10/100]

c) Analyse the responses obtained in b), and extract/examine the key parameters from the characteristics including gain, gain-bandwidth and phase-margin etc. Compare and comment on the outputs obtained from the simulations to those provided in the specifications [10/100]

d) Further optimise your design and show how the gain and gain-bandwidth may be improved using this design architecture. [10/100]

Section 3: Investigate amplifier circuits with closed-loop gain.

a) Briefly explain how negative feedback is used to control gain in operational amplifiers. [5/100]

b) Modify the circuit from section 1 to build and simulate the circuit design on Multisim, which uses negative feedback to create gains between -0.1 and -1000 and obtain the corresponding DC, AC (i.e. Bode and phase) plots. Explain your circuit and discuss the results. (You probably want to use ‘parameter sweeps’ to automate this – See MultiSim guidance for details.) [5/100]

c) Modify the circuit from section 2 to build and simulate the circuit design on Multisim, which uses negative feedback to create gains between -0.1 and -1000 and obtain the corresponding DC, AC (i.e. Bode and phase) plots. Explain your circuit and discuss the results. Compare with the results from section 3b. [5/100]

d) Modify the circuit from sections 1 and 2 to build and simulate the circuit design on Multisim, which uses negative feedback to create noninverting gains between +0.1 and +1000 and obtain the corresponding DC, AC (i.e. Bode and phase plots). Explain your circuit and discuss the results. Compare this with the results from sections 3b and 3c [5/100]