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INFO1110 Practice Trial Examination


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INFO1110 Practice Trial Examination.md

This is for practicing the download and upload of documents for the final examination through Canvas. The question types and difficulty are not representative of the final examination.

INFO1110 Practice Trial Examination

4 points -Short answer questions

12 points -Program part 1 (separate file upload)

10 points -Program part 2 (separate file upload)

Question 1(1 point)

Describe what the constructor does when a new class object is instantiated.

Question 2(1 point)

Describe the difference between a global variable and a local variable.

Question 3(2 point)

Read the following code and breifly explain how the 2 variables i and j change in relation to each other.

Questions 4-5 (22 points)

Use the below document to answer the following two questions:


You will need to upload 2 separate files in response to these 2 questions.

Question 4 (12 points) Download the below file and then upload your parse_matrix.py file as a separate document to the assignment dropbox: parse_matrix.py

Question 5 (10 points) Download the below file and then upload your add_matrix.py file as a separate document to the assignment dropbox: add_matrix.py