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ECON 3920 Assignment 3


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ECON 3920 A Fall 2021

Assignment 3

NOTE: You will have to submit your assignment through Brightspace as a single Microsoft Word file. Your use of English is very important in this course, be sure to check both your spelling and your grammar very carefully.


1. It has been argued that: “The Liberal government is more concerned about the redistribution of existing wealth in Canada than with improving Canadian productivity, which is surely the only way to guarantee Canada’s long-term economic prosperity.”

Assuming that you are Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s secret economic advisor, write him a maximum 1000-word policy brief giving him your best advice as to how he can respond to this criticism and address the productivity problem. Base your answer on the material contained in the recent Senate Prosperity Action Group report, entitled “Rising to the Challenge of New Global Realities: Forging a New Path for Sustainable, Inclusive and Shared Prosperity in Canada” https://peterharder.sencanada.ca/media/49965/pag-report-english.pdf

2. Recall the construction of the Google Sheets grouped bar or column chart for the US adult obesity rate by age and gender, 2017-2018 shown in Figure 6.13.

i) Using Google Sheets, construct a similar grouped bar or column chart for the Canadian adult obesity rate in 2020 using data drawn from Table 13-10-0096-20 on the following Statistics Canada webpage:


NOTE: You will have to “customize” Table 13-10-0096-20 in order to obtain the necessary data for women and for men separately. Also, notice that your chart will have four sets of columns, rather than the three sets of columns for the US data, due to the different number of age categories.

The first sheet (tab) of your Google Sheets spreadsheet should contain both the data (in the same format and location – top-left – as in Figure 6.12) and the grouped bar or column chart that you have constructed. The second sheet (tab) should contain the relevant source information for your data.

ii) Repeat part i) for the Ontario adult obesity rate in 2020, putting the results on the third sheet (tab) of your Google Sheets spreadsheet. (There is no need to repeat the source information for your data on a fourth sheet (tab).)

iii) Name your Google Sheets spreadsheet Question 2 and, following the appropriate instructions from Section 2.5 (Share Your Google Sheets), use the Share function to allow “anyone with the link” to access your Google Sheets spreadsheet, and then copy the link into your assignment as your answer to Question 2.

3. Recall the construction of the Datawrapper range chart for Earnings by gender by education level in the US, 2019 shown in Figure 6.39.

i) Using the data from part i) of Question 2, construct a similar chart for Obesity by gender by age level in Canada, 2020. When you have finished constructing your chart, click on Publish & Embed, click on PNG, and scroll down and click on Download image (as a .png file). Then, copy and paste the .png file into your assignment.

ii) Using the data from part ii) of Question 2, construct a similar chart for Obesity by gender by age level in Ontario, 2020. When you have finished constructing your chart, click on Publish & Embed, click on PNG, and scroll down and click on Download image (as a .png file). Then, copy and paste the .png file into your assignment.

NOTE: You will have to set up a (free) Datawrapper account in order to be able to download the .png files. To do this, go into Datawrapper, click on the Pricing menu, click on Create a Free Account, and follow the instructions.