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32516 Internet Programming


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32516 Internet Programming

Course area UTS: Information Technology

Delivery Autumn 2024; standard mode; City

Credit points 6cp

Result type Grade and marks

Attendance: 1hpw (lecture), 2hpw (laboratory).

Recommended studies: basic knowledge of programming languages and Unix systems

Subject description

This subject introduces students to the specifics of the World Wide Web (WWW) and internet-based programming.

The evolution of the internet and its technical foundation is studied as well as basic techniques for presenting data, text and pictures on the WWW. The client/server paradigm is explored in detail, featuring website design and construction   using DHTML (Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language), PHP (Hypertext Pre-processor), MySQL (back-end database),   AJAX and JavaScript techniques. This subject provides a sound basis for understanding how the WWW functions, how to construct websites and how to write software for the WWW using scripting techniques.

Subject learning objectives (SLOs)

Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to:

1. Understand the general concepts pertaining to the Internet and World Wide Web such as TCP/IP, protocols,

domain names, IP addresses and n-tier architecture. (D.1)

2. Possess an insight into what is involved in the developing and securing of non-trivial websites. (D.1)

3. Have a good working knowledge of DHTML, JavaScript, AJAX, and the principles of website design. (D.1)

4. Have an insight into how javascript libraries such as JQuery can be used to enhance web pages. (D.1) 5. Have an introductory knowledge how XML documents can be used on the Web. (D.1)

6. Gain experience in the use of PHP as a server side scripting language as well as the principles involved in using server side scripting languages in general. (D.1)

7. Gain a sufficient knowledge of Unix so they can effectively manage websites hosted on sites running on any variety of the Unix Operating System. (D.1)

Course intended learning outcomes (CILOs)

This subject also contributes specifically to the development of the following Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs):

Technically Proficient: FEIT graduates apply theoretical, conceptual, software and physical tools and advanced discipline knowledge to research, evaluate and predict future performance of systems characterised by complexity. (D.1)

Teaching and learning strategies

Subject presentation includes lectures (1 hour), laboratory sessions (2 hours), and research and development work for the assignments. Lectures will present the theoretical aspects of Internet programming and web development, including client-side and server side scripting for webpage development. The laboratory sessions are conducted in the lab and require substantial preparation from the students. They will focus on hands-on experience in Internet programming and web development. Practical assignments can be performed anywhere, the labs will provide the softwares necessary to complete these assignments.

Content (topics)

1. The Internet and World Wide Web – General Principles

2. Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language (DHTML) (includes coverage of CSS)

3. JavaScript, JavaScript Libraries and AJAX

4. PHP Programming,(includes using PHP to interact with MySQL databases)

5. Website Management and Security

6. XML and XHTML


The deliverables of Assignments 1 and 2 will be uploaded on-line to the subject website before the due dates described in the above table and a log file with the date, student ID, and the submission content will be maintained through the course. Should any conflict on the originality of submissions occur (e.g. several similar submissions), this log file is used as proof of submission. Students will be able to check their marks of assignments online through the subject website and get feedback (comments) from tutors who marked assignments.

The deliverables of Assignments 3 and 4 will be in the laboratory session on 'class quizzes'. Students are required to complete each assignment in the class independently and must hand in their assignment to the tutor at the end of the session without delay. The class tutor will mark these assignments.

Assessment task 1: Website Design Assignment

Objective(s): This assessment task addresses the following subject learning objectives (SLOs): 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7

This assessment task contributes to the development of the following Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs):


Type: Project

Groupwork: Individual

Weight: 45%

Task: This is an individual programming assignment where students have to demonstrate the use of advanced HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL and JavaScript to solve the given problems in the design and the implementation of a website. The assignment consists of four components (or tasks) and addresses objectives 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7.


11.59pm Sunday 21 April 2024

Submission through Canvas

Further information:

The details of the marking scheme will be given in week 3.

Assessment task 2: XML/AJAX Processing Assignment

Objective(s): This assessment task addresses the following subject learning objectives (SLOs): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7

This assessment task contributes to the development of the following Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs):


Type: Project

Groupwork: Individual

Weight: 35%

Task: This is an individual programming assignment where students have to demonstrate the use of XML and/or AJAX in the exchange of data.


11.59pm Sunday 26 May 2024

Submission through UTS Canvas

Further information:

The details of the marking scheme will be explained in the assignment specification that will be available in week 5.

Assessment task 3: Quizzes


This assessment task addresses the following subject learning objectives (SLOs): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7

This assessment task contributes to the development of the following Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs):


Type: Quiz/test

Groupwork: Individual

Weight: 20%

Due: Week 7 and Week 10

Further information:

Each quiz takes one hour during tutorial class and addresses objectives 1 to 6.

Assessment feedback

Students will receive feedback during lab sessions or consultation time to allow them to evaluate their progress in the subject before census date.

The marking criteria of Assignments 1 and 2 are published at the same time when we publish the assignment specifications. This makes very clear to students what technical aspects we are going to assess in the assignments (practical work).

A “Marking Sheet” of Assignments 1 and 2, with detailed marking result against the above marking criteria point by point, will be available on request by the student after the marking that is around two weeks after we receive the submission.

Minimum requirements

In order to pass the subject, a student must achieve an overall mark of 50% or more.

Recommended texts

There are two textbooks that cover the most of the units to be taught in the course. They are:

Welling, Thomson: PHP and MySQL Web Development, Sams Publishing 2005, ISBN 0-672-32672-8

Meloni, Julie C. PHP, MySQL and Apache All in One, 3rd Edition (or later) Sams Publishing, 2006. ISBN 978067232873

In addition to the two textbooks above, the following books may be helpful on specific topics but are not compulsory reading for this subject.

Deitel H. M., Deitel P. J. & Nieto T. R. (2002) Internet & World Wide Web - How to Program, 2nd Edition (or later) Prentice Hall 2002 ISBN 0-13-030897-8

Oliver, Dick. Teach Yourself HTML and XHTML in 24 Hours, 5th Edition (or later) Sams Publishing 2001 ISBN 0672-32076-2

Moncur, Michael Teach Yourself DHTML in 24 Hours, latest edition Sams Publishing

Zandstra, Matt. Teach Yourself PHP in 24 Hours, 3rd Edition (or later) Sams Publishing, 2004. ISBN 0672-3261

Goodman, Danny The Javascript Bible (3rd edition or later) IDG Books

Online material will be available to support aspects of the subject.