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MUTH 407: Assignment 7


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MUTH 407: Assignment 7

Part I: Atonal Analysis

1.   For each beamed group (four eighth notes), give the prime form and interval- class vector for that set.


Prime Form:

I.C. Vector:


Prime Form:

I.C. Vector:

2.   Now consider the passage in its entirety. What are the prime form and

interval-class vector for the larger set that includes all notes in both systems?

Prime form:                                                    I.C. Vector:                           

Part II: Serial Rows1

1.   You are given P10. Identify the other row forms notated below.


2.   Using the same row from question 1, notate the requested row forms on the staves provided. You need not designate rhythmic values.

a.  Notate P0


b.   Notate RI4