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ABMF3184 Business Finance 2023/2024


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Diploma in Business Administration

ABMF3184 Business Finance


Grading of Coursework 2

1.  Group Assignment (70%):

TOPIC: Sources of Finance

Each group is required to select ONE (1) of the following companies as a subject of this assignment:

i.   Ajinomoto (Malaysia) Berhad (2658)

ii.  Apollo Food Holdings Berhad (6432)

iii. Bonia Corporation Berhad (9288)

iv. Eco World Development Group Berhad (8206)

v.   Genting Malaysia Berhad (4715)

vi. Mr. D.I.Y. Group (M) Berhad (5296)

vii. Tan Chong Motor Holdings Berhad (4405)

Groups from the same tutorial class are NOT allowed to work on the same company. The companies are available for selection on a first come first served basis. Group Leader is to inform your tutor on the selection of your company.

Each group is required to download and use the latest financial annual report (FYE 2023) of the selected company and refer to the “Group” / “Consolidated” financial data to answer the following questions:

The group report should cover the following areas:

(i)  Introduction

- An overview of the company, the background and nature of its business, etc.

(ii) Analysis on Sources of Financing

Part A:

- Identify any TWO (2) sources of financing (e.g. ordinary share, bond, term loan, overdraft, trade credit, hire purchase, etc.) used by the company and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each source of financing from the company's point of view.

Part B:

As of January 2024, the overnight policy rate (OPR) in Malaysia remained at three percent. The OPR is a benchmark rate set by the country's central bank, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM). It is the rate at which financial institutions borrow or lend money overnight and will affect the interest rates in commercial banks.

Source:  Statista  Research Department  2024,  “Malaysia's  bimonthly  overnight policy rate 2019-2024”.


- Discuss how the above situation may affect the financing decision of the selected company (based on annual report FYE 2023).

2.  Individual Oral Presentation (30%):

Based on the group report, recommend ONE (1) suitable source of finance that is currently not being used by the company. The recommendation must be supported by relevant justifications and presented to the class in Week 10 during tutorial.

(i)  Each  student  will  have  2  to  3  minutes  to  present  their  answers using  Microsoft PowerPoint.

(ii) Each presenter must submit their presentation slides to the respective tutor via Tutorial Google Classroom by the stipulated deadline.

(iii) Smart casual attire is required for the presentation.

*Refer to the assessment criteria for more details.


1.   Students are required to work in a group of 5 to 6 members for the group assignment. You may form your own groups, but tutors may make necessary arrangement if there is any issue in grouping.

2.   Group leader is to submit the softcopy of the completed group written assignment in Microsoft Word or PDF format to respective tutor via Tutorial Google Classroom by WEEK 9, FRIDAY (19th April  2024) BEFORE 5PM. Each group member is to submit their presentation slides to respective tutor via Tutorial Google Classroom by WEEK 9, FRIDAY (19th April 2024) BEFORE 5PM.

3.   Your report should follow the following filing sequence:

(a) Cover page (sample attached)

(b) Coursework Feedback Form (sample attached)

(c) Group Assignment Assessment Form (sample attached)

(d) Individual  Presentation  Assessment  Form  (sample  attached)  - *one form  per student.

(e) Group Member Appraisal Form (sample attached) - *one form per student. (f)  Plagiarism Declaration Statement (sample attached)

(g) Turnitin Report - *percentage page only

(h) Group Report

(i)  References

(j)  Appendices

4.   Please attach the extracts of relevant Financial  Statements used (i.e. Statements of Financial Position, Statements of Profit or Loss, Notes to Financial Statements, etc.) in your assignment as appendices.

5.   The length of the group report should be approximately 3,000 words (excluding tables, figures, forms, etc). You are only allowed to exceed the stated word limit by a maximum of 10%  of variation. Word  count must be  stated at  the  end  of the  report. Non- compliance with the above instructions will result in marks deduction.

6.   The report should be typewritten in Font 12 Times New Roman with 1.5 line spacing and justified alignment.

7.   The mode of referencing should follow the APA Referencing system and all sources of information must be properly cited otherwise marks will be deducted. The report must be submitted to Turnitin to determine the similarity index and the similarity percentage must be less than 20%. A plagiarism statement must be signed by all group members and please be reminded that plagiarism will be severely dealt with.

8.   Online sources like Wikipedia, Investopedia, etc. are not allowed to be referred to. Marks  will  be  deducted  for  non-compliance  of  the  above.  Instead,  students  are encouraged  to  use TARUMT  online  resources  of  E-Journals,   E-Books,  Online Database (such as ProQuest, Emerald, ScienceDirect and etc.) for the coursework.

9.   Students who fail to submit their coursework by the stipulated deadline are subjected to the late submission penalty as follows:

•   Late submission of 1-3 days after deadline of submission: Minus 10 marks

•   Late submission of 4-7 days after deadline of submission: Minus 20 marks

•   Late submission of > 7 days after deadline of submission: 0 marks.

10. Each student is required to submit a Group Member Appraisal Form to rate the group contribution of each group member to ensure total participation of each member (one form per student). Marks will be deducted for individual participation of less than 100% and failure to submit a Group Member Appraisal Form will result in a ZERO appraisal being recorded against your name.