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SMO 001 Assessment Part II: Reflective Analysis Report


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SMO 001 Assessment

Part II: Reflective Analysis Report

Due on April 16, 2024 11:59PM via Learning Mall

In this assignment, you need to write a report based on your experience working in a team and provide several solutions using the influencing strategies.


Write about an experience in which you encountered an issue while working in a team. Clearly identify the issue and write about why you think the issue arose in retrospect. Using two of the influencing strategies learned in the module, conclude the report by presenting several potential solutions to avoid or overcome such issue in future teams. The report should clearly answer the following questions:

1.   What team were you apart of and what was the team’s overall goal/purpose? How many people were in this team? What was your role?

2.   What was the problem that arose in the team? Clearly describe the context of the problem and the problem itself.

3.   In retrospect, what was the cause for the problem?

4.   Which influencing strategies (choose two) learned in the module could help to overcome or avoid facing similar problems in the future?

5.   How and why would these strategies be helpful and effective?

Guiding Tips:

.    Choose an event.

o Make sure the event is appropriate for the assignment.

o It is an issue that you would like to write about.

.    Prepare your paper.

o Provide some background to your event (i.e. describe the setting, the team, what task you were working on, etc.).

o Clearly articulate the problem, including how it started and how it impacted the overall performance/outcome.

Use the concepts used in the lectures to analyze your team, the issue, and potential solutions.

.    Format and proofread your paper.

o The report should be written in English.

o The paper should be in 12-point font, Times New Roman or Arial, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins.

o The paper should be at least 500 words but not exceed 750 words.

o Always proofread your paper to make sure it is free from spelling,

punctuation, and grammatical errors as well as any formatting issues.

.    Upload Your Report:

o Submit your report on learning mall in a .doc, .docx., or pdf format by the deadline.

o The file should be labelled: Your Student

ID_LastNameFirstName.doc/docx/pdf (i.e. 1112222_LeeSoljee.doc. If your file doesn’t have an appropriate label, and I cannot identify

who you are, you will not receive any marking for this assessment.

o It is the students ’ responsibility to upload the correct file in appropriate format. If the file cannot be opened, it will be subject to a penalty in marking.

*Your submission will be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin. Please remember not to use content generated by AI tools (e.g., ChatGPT) directly, such behavior will be treated as plagiarism.

Marking Rubric:


.    Focus (10 points): The paper is focused and the overall content matches the writing task.

.    Knowledge (30 points): Demonstrates sufficient understanding and knowledge of the concepts learned in the lectures. The descriptions and explanations are sufficient and arepresented in one’s own words.

.    Analysis (40 points): The connections between the concepts and examples are made explicit, and are explained thoughtfully and thoroughly. The paper provides solutions that are well-informed by class content and are practically relevant to the presented issue.

.    Mechanics (20 points): The paper is free of spelling, punctuation, and

grammatical errors. The paper also demonstrates excellent use of language, appropriate tone and style.

Total: 100 points