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07 36330 Ethics, Governance and Regulation in Treasury


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Assignment Remit

  Programme Title

  MSc Financial Management

  Module Title

  Ethics, Governance and Regulation in Treasury

  Module Code

  07 36330

  Assignment Title

  Individual Assignment





  Hand Out Date


  Deadline Date & Time



  Feedback Post Date


  Assignment Format


  Assignment Length

  3000 Words

  Submission Format




Section A:

Critically discuss the corporate governance issues related to female directors and board size and demonstrate their impact on firm performance using data downloaded from the CSMAR database. Compare your empirical results with two other studies from the literature looking into similar corporate governance issues for different markets.

The sample firms need to be in the same industry/industries and listed on the same stock exchange. The minimum number of sample firms is 50. You are required to provide a table of summary statistics and a table of baseline regression results.  (50%)

Section B: Undertaking research for your chosen firm, you are required to answer the following questions:

§ Q1) Treasury Operations - what areas of treasury operations would appear to be of highest priority for the company? Consider at least 3 measures to evaluate the performance of the treasury function.  (15%)

§ Q2) IT Systems – what type of IT system does the company use to manage its treasury operations? Would you recommend the company to use a different type of IT system? (13%)

§ Q3) Ethics – explain the extent to which you think the company acts ethically. How would you expect the company’s treasury function to reflect this ethical approach?  What changes would you make to improve this area and why? (12%)

§ Q4) Risk Management - evaluate the treasury policy paying particular attention to foreign exchange exposure. (10%)

Module Learning Outcomes:

LO 1. Be able to explain the principles, importance and detailed application of treasury policy, procedures and reporting in order to support their development and implementation in practice.

LO 2. To be able to demonstrate how corporate governance and regulatory controls and policies are applied to treasury and how they enable treasury to be carried out in an efficient and ethical manner.

LO 3. To understand the key controls over treasury operations and propose controls for systems and processes.

LO4. To be able to be able to critically assess and recommend appropriate IT solutions for different treasury requirements and describe the project management steps required for their successful implementation and security controls.

LO 5.  To be able to explain the fundamental principles of financial reporting and taxation relating to treasury in order to support the preparation and analysis of financial reports, tax analysis and financial and business analysis.

Grading Criteria:

Fail 49% or below

Students only discuss few basic theories, undertake few basic data analyses using the CSMAR database and search for little basic information about the sample firm (i.e., only refer to the sample firm’s annual reports and few journal articles as references of the lecture.) application of few key concepts of lectures on the results of data analyses and the sample firm. Analysis is not logical, and it lacks references. The work shows lacks of understanding about the related topics.

Pass 50% to 59%

Students only discuss some basic theories, undertake some basic data analyses using the CSMAR database and search for the basic information about the sample firm (i.e., only refer to the sample firm’s annual reports and a few journal articles as references of the lecture.) application of key concepts of each lecture on the results of data analysis and the sample firm. Analysis is logical, but it lacks references.

Merit 60% to 69%

Students are expected to input much effort on theoretical arguments, data analysis and information searching, such as with referring to different information sources like news, journal articles, website information and analysts’ reports, apart from simply referring to annual reports, while demonstrating their understanding of key concepts of each related lecture and application of these concepts on the sample firm case study.

Analysis is logical with some support of references.

Presentation: formal structure of a report with clean and tidy professional presentation. All the information sources are formally presented at references. Some typos, or grammar mistakes.

Distinction 70% or above

Students are expected to input much effort on theoretical arguments, data analysis and information searching, such as with referring to different information sources like news, journal articles, website information and analysts’ reports, apart from simply referring to annual reports, while demonstrating their understanding of key concepts of each lecture and application of these concepts on the results of data analysis and the sample firm.

Logical, sophisticated, in-depth analysis and evaluation of the evidence, the results of data analysis and the sample firm. Arguments/points are required to be supported by evidence and/or references. Presentation: a formal structure of a report with clean and tidy professional presentation. All the information sources are formally presented at references. Only few typos, or grammar mistakes.